- ๐ Currently studying at School 42, where I'm diving deep into C and C++ programming.
- ๐ฎ I have a passion for game development and spend my free time creating games.
- Check out my game projects on itch.io.
- Descended: Gamejam 42
- libft: My first static library in C
- ft_printf: Recreate the C function printf
- get_next_line: A function which read line by line a file
- push_swap: Stack sorting
- minitalk: Server & client communication using signals
- so_long: A small 2D game
- philosophers: Simulation of the dining philosophers problem
- minishell: A simplified bash
- cub3D: A raycaster like Wolfenstein 3D
- netpractice: Simulation of a small network
- inception: Virtualization of docker images
- ft_irc: An IRC server
- cpp modules
- ft_transcendence: Pong in a webapp
- Scop: 3D modelisation of an object
- Particle System: Particle-System maker & API
- 42 - Piscine Object
- Personal - Game Engine setup
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Drop me an email at [email protected]
If you find my projects helpful or interesting, consider buying me a coffee! โ๏ธ
Thanks for visiting my GitHub profile. Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.