- Switzerland
WarpDrive is a lightweight data library for web apps — universal, typed, reactive, and ready to scale.
This is the companion repo for the DevOps Directive "Kubernetes: Beginner to Pro" course!
Load Balancer Implementation for Kubernetes in Bare-Metal, Edge, and Virtualization
Tolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails applications
RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
My Advent of Code solutions since 2018 collected in one place
Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
Dainii / rbattlenet
Forked from wingyu/rbattlenetA wrapper gem for the Blizzard's Battle.net API
wowaudit / rbattlenet
Forked from wingyu/rbattlenetA wrapper gem for the Blizzard's Battle.net API
Free admin dashboard template using Daisy UI, React js and Tailwind CSS
A DragonRuby rendering library for Tiled Map Editor.
Password attribute and associations for Rodauth account model
Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework
janko / rodauth
Forked from jeremyevans/rodauthAuthentication and Account Management Framework for Rack Applications
OmniAuth login and registration for Rodauth authentication framework
A comprehensive guide to shipping cross-platform games with ease using DragonRuby Game Toolkit.
Framework with conventions and utils for DragonRuby Game Toolkit
Parts of DragonRuby GameToolkit source released under MIT license.
A Rails plugin which provides a health checking and monitoring API of various services and application aspects.
Concurrency and rate-limit throttling for Sidekiq
Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.