DaisyLee's Product list!
I design, plan, implement and deploy webapps and Chrome extensions independently. Here are my products!
- translate word:
- a. wrap word
- b. popup box contain translation that used api
- c. popup box contain x, sound, star
- d. call speech api
- login/logout/registeration
- a. Custom login/registeration, embeded in menu header and footers.
- c. WP Login Hide
- b. third party login, google auto registeration and login
- Articles and Content Filling.
- 0. web scrappers for famous news websites
- b. Polish simple stories.
- c. Polish B1 exams
- d. Y.pagination by indexes, rather than word counts
- Payment
- a. subscription
- b. charge by request counts, set credit in advance
- Ad affiliation elements
- Some extension features.