Starred repositories
[IEEE TCSVT2024] Improving Misaligned Multi-modality Image Fusion with One-stage Progressive Dense Registration
FusionGAN: A generative adversarial network for infrared and visible image fusion
Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot learning for image classification.
Meta-Baseline: Exploring Simple Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Learning, in ICCV 2021
[ICML 2024] Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model
PersonViT: Large-scale Self-supervised Vision Transformer for Person Re-Identification
A General-purpose Person Re-identification Task with Instructions
This is the official code for "Bootstrapping Interactive Image-Text Alignment for Remote Sensing Image Captioning"
[AAAI-2024] High-Order Structure Based Middle-Feature Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Code for Harnessing the Power of MLLMs for Transferable Text-to-Image Person ReID (CVPR 2024)
Pytorch Code for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification (Visible Thermal/Infrared Re-ID)
The official implement of "CycleTrans: Learning Neutral yet Discriminative Features via Cycle Construction for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification"
The 3rd Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2020 Track2
Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Transformer-Based Person Re-Identification
[ICCV-2021] TransReID: Transformer-based Object Re-Identification
[ICCV2019] RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
[CVPR2024]Day-Night Cross-domain Vehicle Re-identification
[ICCV 2019, Oral] Controllable Artistic Text Style Transfer via Shape-Matching GAN
Transfer learning / domain adaptation / domain generalization / multi-task learning etc. Papers, codes, datasets, applications, tutorials.-迁移学习