An unofficial API for the trading platform Degiro written in Python with the ability to get real time data and historical data for products.
pip install degiroapi
For downloading a fork of the main module
pip install -e git+
pip install requests
import degiroapi
from degiroapi.product import Product
from degiroapi.order import Order
from degiroapi.utils import pretty_json
degiro = degiroapi.DeGiro()
degiro.login("username", "password")
- login
- logout
- getdata
- search_products
- product_info
- transactions
- orders
- delete_order
- real_time_price
- get_stock_list
- buyorder
- sellorder
Printing your current cach funds:
cashfunds = degiro.getdata(degiroapi.Data.Type.CASHFUNDS)
for data in cashfunds:
Printing your current portfolio, argument True to filter out products with a size of 0, False or no Argument to show all:
portfolio = degiro.getdata(degiroapi.Data.Type.PORTFOLIO, True)
for data in portfolio:
Searching for a product:
products = degiro.search_products('Pfizer')
Printing info for a specified product ID:
info = degiro.product_info(331823)
print(info["id"], info["name"], info["currency"], info["closePrice"])
Printing your transactions in a given time interval:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
transactions = degiro.transactions(datetime(2019, 1, 1),
Printing your order history(the maximum timespan is 90 days) With argument True, this function only returns open orders
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=90),
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=90),, True)
Deleting an open order with the orderId
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=1),, True)
Get the real time price and the historical data of a stock:
products = degiro.search_products('nrz')
# Interval can be set to One_Day, One_Week, One_Month, Three_Months, Six_Months, One_Year, Three_Years, Five_Years, Max
realprice = degiro.real_time_price(Product(products[0]).id, degiroapi.Interval.Type.One_Day)
# getting the real time price
# getting historical data
Get the symbols of the S&P500 stocks:
sp5symbols = []
products = degiro.get_stock_list(14, 846)
for product in products:
Get the symbols of the german30 stocks:
daxsymbols = []
products = degiro.get_stock_list(6, 906)
for product in products:
Placing a buy order is dependent on the order Type:
You have to set a limit order price to which the order gets executed. arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for unlimited, size, limit(the limit price)
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.LIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 30)
Sets a limit order when the stoploss price is reached (not bought for more than the limit at the stop loss price): arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size, limit(the limit price), stop_loss(stop loss price)
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.STOPLIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 38, 38)
Bought at the market price: arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.MARKET, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1)
The stop loss price has to be higher than the current price, when current price reaches the stoploss price the order is placed: arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.STOPLOSS, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, None, 38)
Placing a sell order is dependent on the order Type: Equivalent to the buy orders:
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.LIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 40)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.STOPLIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 37, 38)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.MARKET, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.STOPLOSS, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, None, 38)
For documented examples see