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Ten things you can do on the Data science Virtual Machine | Microsoft Docs |
Perform various data exploration and modeling task on the Data science Virtual Machine. |
machine-learning |
bradsev |
jhubbard |
cgronlun |
145dfe3e-2bd2-478f-9b6e-99d97d789c62 |
machine-learning |
data-services |
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article |
12/09/2016 |
gokuma;weig;bradsev |
The Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) is a powerful data science development environment that enables you to perform various data exploration and modeling tasks. The environment comes already built and bundled with several popular data analytics tools that make it easy to get started quickly with your analysis for On-premises, Cloud or hybrid deployments. The DSVM works closely with many Azure services and is able to read and process data that is already stored on Azure, in Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Lake, Azure Storage, or in DocumentDB. It can also leverage other analytics tools such as Azure Machine Learning and Azure Data Factory.
In this article we walk you through how to use your DSVM to perform various data science tasks and interact with other Azure services. Here are some of the things you can do on the DSVM:
- Explore data and develop models locally on the DSVM using Microsoft R Server, Python
- Use a Jupyter notebook to experiment with your data on a browser using Python 2, Python 3, Microsoft R an enterprise ready version of R designed for scalability and performance
- Operationalize models built using R and Python on Azure Machine Learning so client applications can access your models using a simple web services interface
- Administer your Azure resources using Azure portal or Powershell
- Extend your storage space and share large-scale datasets / code across your whole team by creating an Azure File Storage as a mountable drive on your DSVM
- Share code with your team using Github and access your repository using the pre-installed Git clients - Git Bash, Git GUI.
- Access various Azure data and analytics services like Azure blob storage, Azure Data Lake, Azure HDInsight (Hadoop), Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse & databases
- Build reports and dashboard using the Power BI Desktop pre-installed on the DSVM and deploy them on the cloud
- Dynamically scale your DSVM to meet your project needs
- Install additional tools on your virtual machine
Additional usage charges will apply for many of the additional data storage and analytics services listed in this article. Please refer to the Azure Pricing page for details.
- You will need an Azure subscription. You can sign up for a free trial here.
- Instructions for provisioning a Data Science Virtual Machine on the Azure portal are available at Creating a virtual machine.
You can use languages like R and Python to do your data analytics right on the DSVM.
For R, you can use an IDE called "Revolution R Enterprise 8.0" that can be found on the start menu or the desktop. Microsoft has provided additional libraries on top of the Open source/CRAN-R to enable scalable analytics and the ability to analyze data larger than the memory size allowed by doing parallel chunked analysis. You can also install an R IDE of your choice like RStudio.
For Python, you can use an IDE like Visual Studio Community Edition which has the Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) extension pre-installed. By default, only a basic Python 2.7 is configured on PTVS (without any analytics library like SciKit, Pandas). In order to enable Anaconda Python 2.7 and 3.5, you need to do the following:
- Create custom environments for each version by navigating to Tools -> Python Tools -> Python Environments and then clicking "+ Custom" in the Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
- Give a description and set the environment prefix paths as c:\anaconda for Anaconda Python 2.7 OR c:\anaconda\envs\py35 for Anaconda Python 3.5
- Click Auto Detect and then Apply to save the environment.
Here is what the custom environment setup looks like in Visual Studio.
See the PTVS documentation for additional details on how to create Python Environments.
Now you are set up to create a new Python project. Navigate to File -> New -> Project -> Python and select the type of Python application you are building. You can set the Python environment for the current project to the desired version (Anaconda 2.7 or 3.5): right-click the Python environment, select Add/Remove Python Environments, and then select the desired environment to associate with the project. You can find more information about working with PTVS on the product documentation page.
The Jupyter Notebook is a powerful environment that provides a browser-based "IDE" for data exploration and modeling. You can use Python 2, Python 3 or R (both Open Source and the Microsoft R Server) in a Jupyter Notebook.
To launch the Jupyter Notebook click on the start menu icon / desktop icon titled Jupyter Notebook. On the DSVM you can also browse to "https://localhost:9999/" to access the Jupiter Notebook. If it prompts you for a password, use instructions provided in the How to create a strong password on the Jupyter notebook server section of the Provision the Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine topic to create a strong password to access the Jupyter notebook.
Once you have opened the notebook, you will see a directory that contains a few example notebooks that are pre-packaged into the DSVM. Now you can:
- click on the notebook to see the code.
- execute each cell by pressing SHIFT-ENTER.
- run the entire notebook by clicking on Cell -> Run
- create a new notebook by clicking on the Jupyter Icon (left top corner) and then clicking New button on the right and then choosing the notebook language (also known as kernels).
Currently we support Python 2.7, Python 3.5 and R. The R kernel supports programming in both Open source R as well as the enterprise scalable Microsoft R Server.
Once you are in the notebook you can explore your data, build the model, test the model using your choice of libraries.
Once you have built and validated your model the next step is usually to deploy it into production. This allows your client applications to invoke the model predictions on a real time or on a batch mode basis. Azure Machine Learning provides a mechanism to operationalize a model built in either R or Python.
When you operationalize your model in Azure Machine Learning, a web service is exposed that allows clients to make REST calls that pass in input parameters and receive predictions from the model as outputs.
If you have not yet signed up for Azure Machine Learning, you can obtain a free workspace or a standard workspace by visiting the Azure Machine Learning Studio home page and clicking on "Get Started".
Here is a snippet of code developed in a Python Jupyter Notebook that builds a simple model using the SciKit-learn library.
#IRIS classification
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC()
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X, y = iris.data, iris.target
clf.fit(X, y)
The method used to deploy your python models to Azure Machine Learning wraps the prediction of the model into a function and decorates it with attributes provided by the pre-installed Azure Machine Learning python library that denote your Azure Machine Learning workspace ID, API Key, and the input and return parameters.
from azureml import services
@services.publish(workspaceid, auth_token)
@services.types(sep_l = float, sep_w = float, pet_l=float, pet_w=float)
@services.returns(int) #0, or 1, or 2
def predictIris(sep_l, sep_w, pet_l, pet_w):
inputArray = [sep_l, sep_w, pet_l, pet_w]
return clf.predict(inputArray)
A client can now make calls to the web service. There are convenience wrappers that construct the REST API requests. Here is a sample code to consume the web service.
# Consume through web service URL and keys
from azureml import services
@services.service(url, api_key)
@services.types(sep_l = float, sep_w = float, pet_l=float, pet_w=float)
def IrisPredictor(sep_l, sep_w, pet_l, pet_w):
The Azure Machine Learning library is only supported on Python 2.7 currently.
You can deploy R models built on the Data Science Virtual Machine or elsewhere onto Azure Machine Learning in a manner that is similar to how it is done for Python. Her are the steps:
- create a settings.json file as below to provide your workspace ID and auth token.
- write a wrapper for the model's predict function.
- call
in the Azure Machine Learning library to pass in the function wrapper.
Here is the procedure and code snippets that can be used to set up, build, publish, and consume a model as a web service in Azure Machine Learning.
- Install the Machine Learning R package by typing
in Revolution R Enterprise 8.0 IDE or your R IDE. - Download RTools from here. You need the zip utility in the path (and named zip.exe) to operationalize your R package into Machine Learning.
- Create a settings.json file under a directory called
under your home directory and enter the parameters from your Azure Machine Learning workspace:
settings.json File structure:
"authorization_token" : "ENTER YOUR AZUREML AUTH TOKEN"
ws <- workspace(config="~/.azureml/settings.json")
if(!require("lme4")) install.packages("lme4")
train <- sleepstudy[sample(nrow(sleepstudy), 120),]
m <- lm(Reaction ~ Days + Subject, data = train)
# Define a prediction function to publish based on the model:
sleepyPredict <- function(newdata){
predict(m, newdata=newdata)
ep <- publishWebService(ws, fun = sleepyPredict, name="sleepy lm", inputSchema = sleepstudy, data.frame=TRUE)
To consume the model from a client application, we use the Azure Machine Learning library to look up the published web service by name using the services
API call to determine the endpoint. Then you just call the consume
function and pass in the data frame to be predicted.
The following code is used to consume the model published as an Azure Machine Learning web service.
ws <- workspace(config="~/.azureml/settings.json")
s <- services(ws, name = "sleepy lm")
s <- tail(s, 1) # use the last published function, in case of duplicate function names
ep <- endpoints(ws, s)
# OK, try this out, and compare with raw data
ans = consume(ep, sleepstudy)$ans
More information about the Azure Machine Learning R library can be found here.
The DSVM not only allows you to build your analytics solution locally on the virtual machine, but also allows you to access services on Microsoft's Azure cloud. Azure provides several compute, storage, data analytics services and other services that you can administer and access from your DSVM.
To administer your Azure subscription and cloud resources you can use your browser and point to the Azure portal. You can also use Azure Powershell to administer your Azure subscription and resources via a script. You can run Azure Powershell from a shortcut on the desktop or from the start menu titled "Microsoft Azure Powershell". Refer to Microsoft Azure Powershell documentation for more information on how you can administer your Azure subscription and resources using Windows Powershell scripts.
Data scientists can share large datasets, code or other resources within the team. The DSVM itself has about 70GB of space available. To extend your storage, you can use the Azure File Service and either mount it on the DSVM or access it via a REST API.
The maximum space of the Azure File Service share is 5TB and individual file size limit is 1TB.
You can use Azure Powershell to create an Azure File Service share. Here is the script to run under Azure PowerShell to create an Azure File service share.
# Authenticate to Azure.
# Select your subscription
Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName "<your subscription name>" | Select-AzureRmSubscription
# Create a new resource group.
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name <dsvmdatarg>
# Create a new storage account. You can reuse existing storage account if you wish.
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name <mydatadisk> -ResourceGroupName <dsvmdatarg> -Location "<Azure Data Center Name For eg. South Central US>" -Type "Standard_LRS"
# Set your current working storage account
Set-AzureRmCurrentStorageAccount –ResourceGroupName "<dsvmdatarg>" –StorageAccountName <mydatadisk>
# Create a Azure File Service Share
$s = New-AzureStorageShare <<teamsharename>>
# Create a directory under the FIle share. You can give it any name
New-AzureStorageDirectory -Share $s -Path <directory name>
# List the share to confirm that everything worked
Get-AzureStorageFile -Share $s
Now that you have created an Azure file share, you can mount it in any virtual machine in Azure. It is highly recommended that the VM is in same Azure data center as the storage account to avoid latency and data transfer charges. Here is the commands to mount the drive on the DSVM that you can run on Azure Powershell.
# Get storage key of the storage account that has the Azure file share from Azure portal. Store it securely on the VM to avoid prompted in next command.
cmdkey /add:<<mydatadisk>>.file.core.windows.net /user:<<mydatadisk>> /pass:<storage key>
# Mount the Azure file share as Z: drive on the VM. You can chose another drive letter if you wish
net use z: \\<mydatadisk>.file.core.windows.net\<<teamsharename>>
Now you can access this drive as you would any normal drive on the VM.
Github is a code repository where you can find a lot of sample code and sources for different tools using various technologies shared by the developer community. It uses Git as the technology to track and store versions of the code files. Github is also a platform where you can create your own repository to store your team's shared code and documentation, implement version control and also control who have access to view and contribute code. Please visit the Github help pages for more information on using Git. You can use Github as one of the ways to collaborate with your team, use code developed by the community and contribute code back to the community.
The DSVM already comes loaded with client tools on both command line as well GUI to access Github repository. The command line tool to work with Git and Github is called Git Bash. Visual Studio installed on the DSVM has the Git extensions. You can find start-up icons for these tools on the start menu and the desktop.
To download code from a Github repository you will use the git clone
command. For example to download data science repository published by Microsoft into the current directory you can run the following command once you are in git-bash
git clone https://github.com/Azure/Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience.git
In Visual Studio, you can do the same clone operation. The screen-shot below shows how to access Git and Github tools in Visual Studio.
You can find more information on using Git to work with your Github repository from several resources available on github.com. The cheat sheet is a useful reference.
Azure blob is a reliable, economical cloud storage for data big and small. Let us look at how you can move data to Azure Blob and access data stored in an Azure Blob.
- Create your Azure Blob storage account from Azure portal.
- Confirm that the pre-installed command line AzCopy tool is found at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\azcopy.exe
. You can add the directory containing the azcopy.exe to your PATH environment variable to avoid typing the full command path when running this tool. For more info on AzCopy tool please refer to AzCopy documentation - Start the Azure Storage Explorer tool. It can be downloaded from Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.
Move data from VM to Azure Blob: AzCopy
To move data between your local files and blob storage, you can use AzCopy in command line or PowerShell:
AzCopy /Source:C:\myfolder /Dest:https://<mystorageaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<mycontainer> /DestKey:<storage account key> /Pattern:abc.txt
Replace C:\myfolder to the path where your file is stored, mystorageaccount to your blob storage account name, mycontainer to the container name, storage account key to your blob storage access key. You can find your storage account credentials in Azure portal.
Run AzCopy command in PowerShell or from a command prompt. Here is some example usage of AzCopy command:
# Copy *.sql from local machine to a Azure Blob
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\azcopy" /Source:"c:\Aaqs\Data Science Scripts" /Dest:https://[ENTER STORAGE ACCOUNT].blob.core.windows.net/[ENTER CONTAINER] /DestKey:[ENTER STORAGE KEY] /S /Pattern:*.sql
# Copy back all files from Azure Blob container to Local machine
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\azcopy" /Dest:"c:\Aaqs\Data Science Scripts\temp" /Source:https://[ENTER STORAGE ACCOUNT].blob.core.windows.net/[ENTER CONTAINER] /SourceKey:[ENTER STORAGE KEY] /S
Once you run your AzCopy command to copy to an Azure blob you see your file shows up in Azure Storage Explorer shortly.
Move data from VM to Azure Blob: Azure Storage Explorer
You can also upload data from the local file in your VM using Azure Storage Explorer:
- To upload data to a container, select the target container and click the Upload button.
- Click on the ... to the right of the Files box, select one or multiple files to upload from the file system and click Upload to begin uploading the files.
Read data from Azure Blob: Machine Learning reader module
In Azure Machine Learning Studio you can use an Import Data module to read data from your blob.
Read data from Azure Blob: Python ODBC
You can use BlobService library to read data directly from blob in a Jupyter Notebook or Python program.
First, import required packages:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import time
import pyodbc
import os
from azure.storage.blob import BlobService
import tables
import time
import zipfile
import random
Then plug in your Azure Blob account credentials and read data from Blob:
STORAGEACCOUNTKEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
BLOBNAME = 'nyctaxidataset/nyctaxitrip/trip_data_1.csv'
localfilename = 'trip_data_1.csv'
LOCALDIRECTORY = os.getcwd()
LOCALFILE = os.path.join(LOCALDIRECTORY, localfilename)
#download from blob
t1 = time.time()
blob_service = BlobService(account_name=STORAGEACCOUNTNAME,account_key=STORAGEACCOUNTKEY)
t2 = time.time()
print(("It takes %s seconds to download "+BLOBNAME) % (t2 - t1))
#unzipping downloaded files if needed
#with zipfile.ZipFile(ZIPPEDLOCALFILE, "r") as z:
# z.extractall(LOCALDIRECTORY)
df1 = pd.read_csv(LOCALFILE, header=0)
df1.columns = ['medallion','hack_license','vendor_id','rate_code','store_and_fwd_flag','pickup_datetime','dropoff_datetime','passenger_count','trip_time_in_secs','trip_distance','pickup_longitude','pickup_latitude','dropoff_longitude','dropoff_latitude']
print 'the size of the data is: %d rows and %d columns' % df1.shape
The data is read in as a data frame:
Azure Data Lake Storage is a hyper-scale repository for big data analytics workloads and compatible with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It works with both the Hadoop ecosystem and the Azure Data Lake Analytics. We show how you can move data into the Azure Data Lake Store and run analytics using Azure Data Lake Analytics.
- Create your Azure Data Lake Analytics in Azure portal.
- The Azure Data Lake Tools in Visual Studio found at this link is already installed on the Visual Studio Community Edition which is on the virtual machine. After starting Visual Studio and logging in your Azure subscription, you will see your Azure Data Analytics account and storage in the left panel of Visual Studio.
Move data from VM to Data Lake: Azure Data Lake Explorer
You can use Azure Data Lake Explorer to upload data from the local files in your Virtual Machine to Data Lake storage.
You can also build a data pipeline to productionize your data movement to or from Azure Data Lake using the Azure Data Factory(ADF). We refer you to this article to guide you through the steps to build the data pipelines.
Read data from Azure Blob to Data Lake: U-SQL
If your data resides in Azure Blob storage, you can directly read data from Azure storage blob in U-SQL query. Before composing your U-SQL query, make sure your blob storage account is linked to your Azure Data Lake. Go to Azure portal, find your Azure Data Lake Analytics dashboard, click Add Data Source, select storage type to Azure Storage and plug in your Azure Storage Account Name and Key. Then you will be able to reference the data stored in the storage account.
In Visual Studio, you can read data from blob storage, do some data manipulation, feature engineering, and output the resulting data to either Azure Data Lake or Azure Blob Storage. When you reference the data in blob storage, use wasb://; when you reference the data in Azure Data Lake, use swbhdfs://
You may use the following U-SQL queries in Visual Studio:
@a =
EXTRACT medallion string,
hack_license string,
vendor_id string,
rate_code string,
store_and_fwd_flag string,
pickup_datetime string,
dropoff_datetime string,
passenger_count int,
trip_time_in_secs double,
trip_distance double,
pickup_longitude string,
pickup_latitude string,
dropoff_longitude string,
dropoff_latitude string
FROM "wasb://<Container name>@<Azure Blob Storage Account Name>.blob.core.windows.net/<Input Data File Name>"
USING Extractors.Csv();
@b =
SELECT vendor_id,
COUNT(medallion) AS cnt_medallion,
SUM(passenger_count) AS cnt_passenger,
AVG(trip_distance) AS avg_trip_dist,
MIN(trip_distance) AS min_trip_dist,
MAX(trip_distance) AS max_trip_dist,
AVG(trip_time_in_secs) AS avg_trip_time
GROUP BY vendor_id;
TO "swebhdfs://<Azure Data Lake Storage Account Name>.azuredatalakestore.net/<Folder Name>/<Output Data File Name>"
USING Outputters.Csv();
TO "wasb://<Container name>@<Azure Blob Storage Account Name>.blob.core.windows.net/<Output Data File Name>"
USING Outputters.Csv();
After your query is submitted to the server, a diagram showing the status of your job will be displayed.
Query data in Data Lake: U-SQL
After the dataset is ingested into Azure Data Lake, you can use U-SQL language to query and explore the data. U-SQL language is similar to T-SQL, but combines some features from C# so that users can write customized modules, User Defined Functions, and etc. You can use the scripts in the previous step.
After the query is submitted to server, tripdata_summary.CSV can be found shortly in Azure Data Lake Explorer, you may preview the data by right-click the file.
To see the file information:
Azure HDInsight is a managed Apache Hadoop, Spark, HBase, and Storm service on the cloud. You can work easily with Azure HDInsight clusters from the data science virtual machine.
- Create your Azure Blob storage account from Azure portal. This storage account is used to store data for HDInsight clusters.
Customize Azure HDInsight Hadoop Clusters from Azure portal
- You must link the storage account created with your HDInsight cluster when it is created. This storage account is used for accessing data that can be processed within the cluster.
- You must enable Remote Access to the head node of the cluster after it is created. Remember the remote access credentials you specify here (different from those specified for the cluster at its creation): you will need them below.
- Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace. Your Machine Learning Experiments will be stored in this Machine Learning workspace. Select the highlighted options in Portal as shown in the screenshot below.
- Then enter the parameters for your workspace
Upload data using IPython Notebook. First import required packages, plug in credentials, create a db in your storage account, then load data to HDI clusters.
#Import required Packages import pyodbc import time as time import json import os import urllib import urllib2 import warnings import re import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from azure.storage.blob import BlobService warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='urllib2') #Create the connection to Hive using ODBC SERVER_NAME='xxx.azurehdinsight.net' DATABASE_NAME='nyctaxidb' USERID='xxx' PASSWORD='xxxx' DB_DRIVER='Microsoft Hive ODBC Driver' driver = 'DRIVER={' + DB_DRIVER + '}' server = 'Host=' + SERVER_NAME + ';Port=443' database = 'Schema=' + DATABASE_NAME hiveserv = 'HiveServerType=2' auth = 'AuthMech=6' uid = 'UID=' + USERID pwd = 'PWD=' + PASSWORD CONNECTION_STRING = ';'.join([driver,server,database,hiveserv,auth,uid,pwd]) connection = pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING, autocommit=True) cursor=connection.cursor() #Create Hive database and tables queryString = "create database if not exists nyctaxidb;" cursor.execute(queryString) queryString = """ create external table if not exists nyctaxidb.trip ( medallion string, hack_license string, vendor_id string, rate_code string, store_and_fwd_flag string, pickup_datetime string, dropoff_datetime string, passenger_count int, trip_time_in_secs double, trip_distance double, pickup_longitude double, pickup_latitude double, dropoff_longitude double, dropoff_latitude double) PARTITIONED BY (month int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION 'wasb:///nyctaxidbdata/trip' TBLPROPERTIES('skip.header.line.count'='1'); """ cursor.execute(queryString) queryString = """ create external table if not exists nyctaxidb.fare ( medallion string, hack_license string, vendor_id string, pickup_datetime string, payment_type string, fare_amount double, surcharge double, mta_tax double, tip_amount double, tolls_amount double, total_amount double) PARTITIONED BY (month int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by '\\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION 'wasb:///nyctaxidbdata/fare' TBLPROPERTIES('skip.header.line.count'='1'); """ cursor.execute(queryString) #Upload data from blob storage to HDI cluster for i in range(1,13): queryString = "LOAD DATA INPATH 'wasb:///nyctaxitripraw2/trip_data_%d.csv' INTO TABLE nyctaxidb2.trip PARTITION (month=%d);"%(i,i) cursor.execute(queryString) queryString = "LOAD DATA INPATH 'wasb:///nyctaxifareraw2/trip_fare_%d.csv' INTO TABLE nyctaxidb2.fare PARTITION (month=%d);"%(i,i) cursor.execute(queryString)
Alternately, you can follow this walkthrough to upload NYC Taxi data to HDI cluster. Major steps include:
- AzCopy: download zipped CSV's from public blob to your local folder
- AzCopy: upload unzipped CSV's from local folder to HDI cluster
- Log into the head node of Hadoop cluster and prepare for exploratory data analysis
After the data is loaded to HDI cluster, you can check your data in Azure Storage Explorer. And you have a database nyctaxidb created in HDI cluster.
Data exploration: Hive Queries in Python
Since the data is in Hadoop cluster, you can use the pyodbc package to connect to Hadoop Clusters and query database using Hive to do exploration and feature engineering. You can view the existing tables we created in the prerequisite step.
queryString = """
show tables in nyctaxidb2;
Let's look at the number of records in each month and the frequencies of tipped or not in the trip table:
queryString = """
select month, count(*) from nyctaxidb.trip group by month;
results = pd.read_sql(queryString,connection)
%matplotlib inline
results.columns = ['month', 'trip_count']
df = results.copy()
df.index = df['month']
queryString = """
SELECT tipped, COUNT(*) AS tip_freq
SELECT if(tip_amount > 0, 1, 0) as tipped, tip_amount
FROM nyctaxidb.fare
GROUP BY tipped;
results = pd.read_sql(queryString,connection)
results.columns = ['tipped', 'trip_count']
df = results.copy()
df.index = df['tipped']
We can also compute the distance between pickup location and dropoff location and then compare it to the trip distance.
queryString = """
select pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude, dropoff_longitude, dropoff_latitude, trip_distance, trip_time_in_secs,
pow(sin((dropoff_longitude-pickup_longitude)*radians(180)/180/2),2))) as direct_distance
from nyctaxidb.trip
where month=1
and pickup_longitude between -90 and -30
and pickup_latitude between 30 and 90
and dropoff_longitude between -90 and -30
and dropoff_latitude between 30 and 90;
results = pd.read_sql(queryString,connection)
results.columns = ['pickup_longitude', 'pickup_latitude', 'dropoff_longitude',
'dropoff_latitude', 'trip_distance', 'trip_time_in_secs', 'direct_distance']
df = results.loc[results['trip_distance']<=100] #remove outliers
df = df.loc[df['direct_distance']<=100] #remove outliers
plt.scatter(df['direct_distance'], df['trip_distance'])
Now let's prepare a down-sampled (1%) set of data for modeling. We can use this data in Machine Learning reader module.
queryString = """
create table if not exists nyctaxi_downsampled_dataset_testNEW (
medallion string,
hack_license string,
vendor_id string,
rate_code string,
store_and_fwd_flag string,
pickup_datetime string,
dropoff_datetime string,
pickup_hour string,
pickup_week string,
weekday string,
passenger_count int,
trip_time_in_secs double,
trip_distance double,
pickup_longitude double,
pickup_latitude double,
dropoff_longitude double,
dropoff_latitude double,
direct_distance double,
payment_type string,
fare_amount double,
surcharge double,
mta_tax double,
tip_amount double,
tolls_amount double,
total_amount double,
tipped string,
tip_class string
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\\n'
stored as textfile;
--- now insert contents of the join into the above internal table
queryString = """
insert overwrite table nyctaxi_downsampled_dataset_testNEW
hour(t.pickup_datetime) as pickup_hour,
weekofyear(t.pickup_datetime) as pickup_week,
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(t.pickup_datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),'u') as weekday,
if(tip_amount>0,1,0) as tipped,
if(tip_amount>0 and tip_amount<=5,1,
if(tip_amount>5 and tip_amount<=10,2,
if(tip_amount>10 and tip_amount<=20,3,4)))) as tip_class
+cos(pickup_latitude*radians(180)/180)*cos(dropoff_latitude*radians(180)/180)*pow(sin((dropoff_longitude-pickup_longitude)*radians(180)/180/2),2))) as direct_distance,
rand() as sample_key
from trip
where pickup_latitude between 30 and 90
and pickup_longitude between -90 and -30
and dropoff_latitude between 30 and 90
and dropoff_longitude between -90 and -30
from fare
on t.medallion=f.medallion and t.hack_license=f.hack_license and t.pickup_datetime=f.pickup_datetime
where t.sample_key<=0.01
After a while, you can see the data has been loaded in Hadoop clusters:
queryString = """
select * from nyctaxi_downsampled_dataset limit 10;
Read data from HDI using Machine Learning: reader module
You may also use the reader module in Machine Learning Studio to access the database in Hadoop cluster. Plug in the credentials of your HDI clusters and Azure Storage Account and you will be able to build machine learning models using database in HDI clusters.
The scored dataset can then be viewed:
Azure SQL Data Warehouse is an elastic data warehouse as a service with enterprise-class SQL Server experience.
You can provision your Azure SQL Data Warehouse by following the instructions provided in this article. Once you provision your Azure SQL Data Warehouse, you can use this walkthrough to do data upload, exploration and modeling using data within the SQL Data Warehouse.
Azure DocumentDB is a NoSQL database in the cloud. It allows you to work with documents like JSON and allows you to store and query the documents.
You need to do the following per-requisites steps to access DocumentDB from the DSVM.
Install DocumentDB Python SDK (Run
pip install pydocumentdb
from command prompt) -
Create DocumentDB account and Document DB database from Azure portal
Download "DocumentDB Migration Tool" from here and extract to a directory of your choice
Import JSON data (volcano data) stored on a public blob into DocumentDB with following command parameters to the migration tool (dtui.exe from the directory where you installed the DocumentDB Migration Tool). Enter the source and target location parameters from below.
/s:JsonFile /s.Files:https://cahandson.blob.core.windows.net/samples/volcano.json /t:DocumentDBBulk /t.ConnectionString:AccountEndpoint=https://[DocDBAccountName].documents.azure.com:443/;AccountKey=[[KEY];Database=volcano /t.Collection:volcano1
Once you import the data, you can go to Jupyter and open the notebook titled DocumentDBSample which contains python code to access DocumentDB and do some basic querying. You can learn more about DocumentDB by visiting the service documentation page
Let us visualize the Volcano JSON file we saw in the DocumentDB example above in Power BI to gain visual insights into the data. Detailed steps are available in the Power BI article. The high level steps are below :
- Open Power BI Desktop and do "Get Data". Specify the URL as: https://cahandson.blob.core.windows.net/samples/volcano.json
- You should see the JSON records imported as a list
- Convert the list to a table so Power BI can work with the same
- Expand the columns by clicking on the expand icon (the one with the "left arrow and a right arrow" icon on the right of the column)
- Notice that location is a "Record" field. Expand the record and select only the coordinates. Coordinate is a list column
- Add a new column to convert the list coordinate column into a comma separate LatLong column concatenating the two elements in the coordinate list field using the formula
. - Finally convert the
column to Decimal and select the Close and Apply.
Instead of steps above, you can paste the following code that scripts out the steps above in the Advanced Editor in Power BI that allows you to write the data transformations in a query language.
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://cahandson.blob.core.windows.net/samples/volcano.json")),
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"Volcano Name", "Country", "Region", "Location", "Elevation", "Type", "Status", "Last Known Eruption", "id"}, {"Volcano Name", "Country", "Region", "Location", "Elevation", "Type", "Status", "Last Known Eruption", "id"}),
#"Expanded Location" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "Location", {"coordinates"}, {"coordinates"}),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded Location", "LatLong", each Text.From([coordinates]{1})&","&Text.From([coordinates]{0})),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Added Custom",{{"Elevation", type number}})
#"Changed Type"
You now have the data in your Power BI data model. Your Power BI desktop should look as shown below.
You can start building reports and visualizations using the data model. You can follow the steps in this Power BI article to build a report. The end result will be a report that looks like the following.
You can scale up and down the DSVM to meet your project needs. If you don't need to use the VM in the evening or weekends, you can just shut down the VM from the Azure portal.
You will incur compute charges if you use just the Operating system shutdown button on the VM.
If you need to handle some large scale analysis and need more CPU and/or memory and/or disk capacity you can find a large choice of VM sizes in terms of CPU cores, memory capacity and disk types (including Solid state drives) that meet your compute and budgetary needs. The full list of VMs along with their hourly compute pricing is available on the Azure Virtual Machines Pricing page.
Similarly, if your need for VM processing capacity reduces (for example: you moved a major workload to a Hadoop or a Spark cluster), you can scale down the cluster from the Azure portal and going to the settings of your VM instance. Here is a screenshot.
We have packaged several tools that we believe will be able to address many of the common data analytics needs and that should save you time by avoiding having to install and configure your environments one by one and save you money by paying only for resources that you use.
You can leverage other Azure data and analytics services profiled in this article to enhance your analytics environment. We understand that in some cases your needs may require additional tools, including some proprietary third party tools. You have full administrative access on the virtual machine to install new tools you need. You can also install additional packages in Python and R that are not pre-installed. For Python you can use either conda
or pip
. For R you can use the install.packages()
in the R console or use the IDE and choose "Packages -> Install Packages...".
These are just some of the things you can do on the Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine. There are many more things you can do to make it an effective analytics environment.