This is a library to create, get and delete data from a DB on Firebase.
Install-Package FirebaseAPI -Version 1.0.0
FireClient.Token = YourTokenHere;
DataType data = await FireProcessor.GetData<DataType>(Path);
Token Auth version:
DataType data = await FireProcessor.GetDataAuth<DataType>(Path);
bool completed = await FireProcessor.SetData<DataType>(string path, T data);
Token Auth version:
bool completed = await FireProcessor.SetDataAuth<DataType>(string path, T data);
bool completed = await FireProcessor.Delete(string path)
Token Auth version:
bool completed = await FireProcessor.DeleteAuth(string path)
All those methods are async. This lib uses Newtonsoft.Json lib, so all the datatypes are converted into Json and threated like that.
- Add the rest of the requests
- Allow all the datatypes
- Learn programming :P