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Hello, this project is a small portfolio!

For this project, I used Astro to learn the framework.

I only made two pages for this project: the index page to display my skills and one 404 page to redirect people and include a little animation.

I took design inspiration and color scheme for the project of a portfolio made by Robiot.

If you like my portfolio, you can star it! (Thanks if you do it 😍)

If you want to modify my portfolio to make your own, you can find the commands below!

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro --help Get help using the Astro CLI