Barony Saver.
Its super easy to use. Just start the program and it will do everything automatically.
Technical details: When you start the program it will look for a running process called barony.exe. If its not found it will recheck for it every 5 seconds for 30 minutes. If you don't start the game within 30 minutes it will close itself. If you start the game and its not working. Please send me a message or ticket and I will do my best to update the code so that it works.
Once it finds 'barony.exe': It will look for and find the folder its located in. Then it will locate the save folder and it will save all files to memory that ends with '.baronysave' It will put a change tracked on the file so if the file is updated it will save the update to memory. if the file is deleted it will automatically restore it. All you have to do is return to main menu after you die and the file should be loadable from previous games.
Troubleshooting: If its not working, try run it as administrator. If its still not working: Contact me and Ill look for a way to solve your problem.