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Automates the process of cloning GitHub repositories and pushing them to a Gitea server, simplifying migration tasks.

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Jenkins Pipeline for GitHub to Gitea Migration

This Jenkins pipeline automates the process of migrating repositories from GitHub to Gitea. It performs the following steps:

  1. Fetch Repositories from GitHub: Retrieves a list of all repositories (including private ones) from GitHub.
  2. Clone and Push Repositories: Clones each repository from GitHub to the Jenkins workspace and pushes it to Gitea.
  3. Create Repositories in Gitea: Checks if the repository already exists in Gitea and creates it if it doesn't.
  4. Configure and Push: Configures Git settings, adds Gitea as a remote, and pushes the repository to Gitea.


  1. Jenkins Setup:

    • Jenkins instance with the ability to execute pipeline scripts.
    • Installed plugins: Pipeline, Git, and any additional plugins required for your specific setup.
  2. Credentials:

    • GitHub Token: A personal access token with repo scope for accessing GitHub repositories.
    • Gitea Token: A personal access token with permissions to create and manage repositories in Gitea.
  3. Configuration:

    • Replace placeholder values with actual information:
      • GITEA_IP_XR_DOMAIN: Your Gitea server's IP or domain.
      • YXUR_GITEA_USERNAME: Your Gitea username.
      • YXUR_GUTHUB_USERNAME: Your GitHub username.

Pipeline Configuration

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        githubToken    = credentials('github-token')  // GitHub personal access token
        giteaToken     = credentials('gitea-token')   // Gitea personal access token
        giteaServer    = 'GITEA_IP_XR_DOMAIN'         // Replace with your Gitea server's IP/domain
        giteaUsername  = 'YXUR_GITEA_USERNAME'        // Replace with your Gitea username
        githubUsername = 'YXUR_GUTHUB_USERNAME'       // Replace with your GitHub username

    options {
        skipDefaultCheckout(true)  // Skip the default checkout step

    stages {
        stage('Fetch Repository List') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Fetch all repositories (including private) from GitHub
                    def repoList = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """
                        curl -s -H 'Authorization: token ${githubToken}'

                    // Decode repository list and prepare for processing
                    repos = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """
                        echo '${repoList}' | jq -r '.[] | {name: .name, description: .description, private: .private} | @base64'

                    echo "Repositories to clone and push: ${repos.join(', ')}"

        stage('Clone and Push Repositories') {
            steps {
                script {
                    repos.each { repoData ->
                        // Decode base64-encoded repository data
                        def decodedRepoData = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """
                            echo ${repoData} | base64 --decode | jq -r 'to_entries | map("\\(.key)=\\(.value | tostring)") | .[]'
                        def repoName = decodedRepoData.split("\n").find { it.startsWith('name=') }.split('=')[1].trim()
                        def repoDescription = decodedRepoData.split("\n").find { it.startsWith('description=') }.split('=')[1].trim()
                        def repoPrivate = decodedRepoData.split("\n").find { it.startsWith('private=') }.split('=')[1].trim()

                        stage("Processing ${repoName}") {
                            dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/${repoName}") {
                                // Clone the repository if not already cloned
                                sh """
                                    if [ ! -d .git ]; then
                                        git clone https://${githubToken}${githubUsername}/${repoName}.git .
                                        echo 'Repository already cloned'

                                // Check if the repository exists in Gitea
                                def repoExists = sh(returnStatus: true, script: """
                                    curl -s -H 'Authorization: token ${giteaToken}' https://${giteaServer}/api/v1/user/repos/${repoName}

                                // Create the repository in Gitea if it doesn't exist
                                if (repoExists != 0) {
                                    sh """
                                        curl -k -X POST https://${giteaServer}/api/v1/user/repos \
                                        -H 'Authorization: token ${giteaToken}' \
                                        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                                        -d '{"name": "${repoName}", "private": ${repoPrivate}, "description": "${repoDescription}"}'
                                } else {
                                    echo "Repository ${repoName} already exists in Gitea."

                                // Increase Git buffer size and disable SSL verification
                                sh "git config http.postBuffer 524288000"
                                sh "git config http.sslVerify false"

                                // Add Gitea as a remote and push the repository
                                sh """
                                    git remote add gitea https://${giteaToken}@${giteaServer}/${giteaUsername}/${repoName}.git
                                    git push -u gitea master

    post {
        always {
            // Clean up workspace after build
            cleanWs(cleanWhenNotBuilt: false,
                    deleteDirs: true,
                    disableDeferredWipeout: true,
                    notFailBuild: true)


Automates the process of cloning GitHub repositories and pushing them to a Gitea server, simplifying migration tasks.






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