Nmap on Android - Makefile/diff/scripts to build it with Android NDK
Put android/ directory to nmap source root.
Go to android directory and say:
make doit
Or if you have Android NDK already, just specify NDK location and issue following command:
make havendk NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r12b
```sumsang S9+ Android10
Transfer binaries and supporting files to android (adb, wireless, ...)
### OpenSSL support
make openssl havendk OPENSSL=1 NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r12b
Have fun!
### NDK Custom builds
In case you already have NDK and you already have NDK copied:
make NDK=/data/opt/android-ndk-r12b NDKDEST=/data/opt/ndk-arm OPENSSL=1 openssl build install strip