A protocol oriented entity component system written in Swift
Inspired by:
- Provides a type property that returns the DynamicType as a String
- Declares one function: updateWithDeltaTime(seconds: )
- Conforms to HKType and HKUpdatable
- Provides a default implementation of HKUpdatable
- Can be used to turn anything in your code into a component. e.g SKPhysicsBody, CGPoint
- Immutable structs are preferred for components
- Conforms to HKType and HKUpdatable
- Declares one property, var engine: HKEngine!
- Use updateWithDeltaTime(seconds: ) to update components in your engine
- You can define your component system as a struct or a class
Structs are favoured where possible
- A simple struct allowing your code to be more readable
- It has five properties: identifier: HKEntityIdentifier ID: Int name: String group: String engine: HKEngine
- Provides convenience functions
- Store identity data for the entities in your game
- It has three properties id: Int name: string group: String
- The component dictionary is the heart of the engine
- It stores all of the components in your game
- Components are organised by type
- Each type is further organised by entity id
- The entity collection stores HKEntityIdentifier structs
- Stores the HKComponentSystems used in your game
- Conforms to HKUpdatable
- Manages creating and maintaining entities
- Holds HKComponentSystems and sequentially updates them when updateWithDeltaTime(seconds: ) is called
let engine = HKEngine()
Create a custom component
struct HealthComponent: HKComponent {
let max = 100
let current = 100
Use built in structs and class as components
extension CGPoint: HKComponent {}
public typealias PositionComponent = CGPoint
extension CGVector: HKComponent {}
public typealias VelocityComponent = CGVector
Create a component system
struct MovementSystem: HKComponentSystem {
// Pointer to engine
weak let engine: HKEngine!
// AddToEngine
func didMoveToEngine(engine: HKEngine) {
self.engine = engine
// Update
func updateWithDeltaTime(seconds: NSTimeInterval) {
engine.filter(VelocityComponent.self) {
entity, velocity in
guard let position: PositionComponent = engine.getComponent(forEntity: entity) else { return }
let x = position.x + velocity.dx
let y = position.y + velocity.dy
update(PositionComponent(x: x, y: y), forEntity: entity)
func willMoveFrom(engine: HKEngine) {
self.engine = nil
Create an entity
let entity = engine.createEntity("player", group: "userControlled")
Add components
Retrieve a component
if let position: PositionComponent = entity.getComponent() {
// Do something with position
Adjust a component
entity.adjustComponent(PositionComponent.self) {
$0.x = 0
$0.y = 0
Remove a component
Remove an entity
Update the engine
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
deltaTime = currentTime - timeSinceLastUpdate
deltaTime = deltaTime > maxUpdateInterval ? maxUpdateInterval : deltaTime
lastUpdateInterval = currentTime
Filter the entities
let enemies = engine.getEntityGroup("enemies")
let player = engine.getEntity("player")
Filter the components
engine.filter(PositionComponent.self) {
entity, position in
engine.filter(PositionComponent.self, entityGroup: "enemies") {
entity, position in
Filter the systems
engine.filter(MovementSystem.self) {
movementSystem in
Feel free to use this ECS as an alternative to the GameplayKit ECS
note: GKAgent can be made into a component using the HKComponent protocol. The updateWithDeltaTime(seconds: ) method will need to be called within your GKAgentComponentSystem