Lemon's Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
To add the cogs to your instance please do: [p]repo add Seina-Cogs https://github.com/japandotorg/Seina-Cogs/
Name | Status/Version | Description (Click to see full status) | Authors |
SeinaTools | 0.1.4 | My tools for Red-DiscordBotSome cool utility tools for Red-DiscordBot |
inthedark.org |
BattleRoyale | 0.1.2 | Play battle royalePlay battle royale with your friends or join automated matches. |
inthedark.org |
PersonalChannels | 0.1.0 | Personal channel for membersPersonal channel for members. |
inthedark.org |
Chemistry | 0.1.1 | ChemistryChemistry inside discord >.< |
inthedark.org |
FirstMessage | 0.1.0 | First MessageA simple cog for jump to first message of a channel. |
inthedark.org |
Animals | 0.1.0 | Random animals!Random animal images & facts |
inthedark.org |
RainbowRole | 0.1.1 | A simple cog for setting up a rainbow role.Creates a rainbow role in your server which loops into the 7 rainbow roles every 90 seconds. |
inthedark.org |
MassUnban | 0.1.0 | Mass unban users.Mass unban users by the ban reason used. |
inthedark.org |
AntiLinks | 0.1.1 | No links allowed.Removes all links in specified channels, with the ability to whitelist roles. |
inthedark.org |
StatusRole | 0.1.0 | Assign roles on custom status.Assign roles to users for the duration in which they have certain custom statuses |
inthedark.org |
ConversationGames | 0.2.4 | Conversation games for membersConversation games for members |
inthedark.org |
Any questions you can find Melon and myself over on the support server
Thank you to everyone in the official red server for always being nice and helpful