CHIP-8 emulator for Windows & MacOS written in Rust
Game: "Space Invaders" by David Winter
You can get the emulator from the releases tab for 64-bit Windows and Intel Mac devices.
The release comes packaged with a few games. Many more are available to download from the CHIP-8 ROM archive and elsewhere on the internet as freeware. Select the game you'd like to play by editing the settings.yaml
file. All games are loaded from the roms
The CHIP-8 uses a hexadecimal keypad for input. These are mapped as such on a QWERTY keyboard:
CHIP-8 Computer
Hex Keypad Keyboard
.---.---.---.---. .---.---.---.---.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | C | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
.---.---.---.---. .---.---.---.---.
| 4 | 5 | 6 | D | | Q | W | E | R |
.---.---.---.---. -> .---.---.---.---.
| 7 | 8 | 9 | E | | A | S | D | F |
.---.---.---.---. .---.---.---.---.
| A | 0 | B | F | | Z | X | C | V |
.---.---.---.---. .---.---.---.---.
Each game uses it's own control scheme, so if you're unsure how a game works then play around with the keys to see what each one does.
I'm not a Rust expert. There are almost certainly more idiomatic approaches to implementation, so keep that in mind while reading the code.
- Technical reference:
- Implementation guides: