I used RabbitMQ as the broker, and connected to the default at
so I didn't need to specify a username or password for rabbit. I used Windows 10, so I did need to install Erlang as admin and then install RabbitMQ via the Bintray link.
Celery > 4.1 does not work with Windows 10 properly, so I used eventlet.
In a Mac terminal or Windows Powershell, cd into the directory where you want to put the project and use:git clone https://github.com/DavTho1983/WeatherAPI.git
Now immediately cd into Weather
cd Weather
To use the admin section you will need to create a superuser with:
python manage.py createsuperuser
In a separate terminal, cd into Weather and, run the celery worker with:
celery -A Weather worker -l info -P eventlet
This project uses django-celery-beat to schedule periodic tasks. In a separate terminal, cd into Weather and start the celerybeat scheduler with:
celery -A Weather beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
python manage.py runserver
Open up your browser and navigate to
The scheduler should update the LondonWeather model immediately and once at the start of every hour.
Uncommenting line 23 in Weather/celery.py will schedule a task for every 10 secs so you can see more data.