Source code for
flowchart LR
A(Turborepo) --> B(Packages)
B(Packages) --> C(UI Library)
B(Packages) --> D(Config)
C(UI Library) --> E(Apps)
D(Config) --> E(Apps)
E(Apps) --> F(Remix)
F(Remix) <--> G(Prisma Client)
F(Remix) <--> L(Tailwind CSS)
I(Prisma) <--> H(Node JS)
H(Node JS) <--> F(Remix)
I(Prisma) <--> J(PostgreSQL)
H(Node JS) <--> K(
J(PostgresSQL) <--> K(
The primary technologies used in this site are:
- React: for the UI
- Tailwind CSS: Utility classes for consistent/maintainable styling
- Framework for the Client/Server/Routing
- TypeScript: Typed JavaScript
- Prisma: ORM with migrations and TypeScript client support
- Postgres: Battle tested SQL database
- Turborepo: High performance build system for TypeScript monorepos
The services this site uses:
- Edge hosting platform
- GitHub Actions: Hosted CI pipeline services
- Cloudinary: Image hosting and transformation services
- Sentry: Error reporting services
- Metronome: Remix metrics service
Read about the choices behind this stack at
: a Remix appui
: a React component library that can be shared by other applications in the monorepoconfig
configurations (includeseslint-config-next
s used throughout the monorepo
Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting
To build all apps and packages, run the following command:
npm run build
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
Provisioning a PostgreSQL database:
docker compose up
To sync Prisma schema with PostgresSQL database:
npx prisma db push
To seed the database with some dummy data:
npx prisma db seed
Run the app in development mode:
npm run dev
When changes to prisma/schema.prisma
are made migrations need to be run with:
npx prisma migrate dev --name ${name_the_migration}
fly proxy 15432:5432 -a c-pg-dev
# Run the app
docker compose up
# Inspect files in image
docker build -f . -t blog-dev
docker run -it blog-dev sh
The app is configured with GitHub Actions and Fly. Any push to the main
branch will deploy to
Database migrations are automatically applied on deployment via the
script triggered from the fly.toml