Now you can visit our webpage on
- Esteban Gonzalez Tamayo
- Esteban Sierra Patiño
- Juan Diego Mejia Vargas
The project is going to be developed as a website that will allow the user to look up different types of computers and also give them information about the parts that every computer has, the result That will be shown are going to be based on information that the user will provide us before starting the search.
The following guide will explain in detail how to configure the development environment and all the tools required for the project. Therefore, it is essential not to skip any installation step.
Python will be used Version: 3.9.1 According to OS
- Windows: Python
- Ubuntu on terminal type sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install python3.9.1
- To check if everything was fine, run in terminal o Windows: Python –version o Linux: Python3 --version
To install pip, the Windows console will be used ('cmd') or using Linux from bash, the following command must be executed once Python is installed in the previous step.
- Command: python o To check if everything was fine, run in terminal: pip --version
Django you must have the previous steps installed and after this using pip run in cmd for Windows or in bash for Linux
- Command:
pip install Django == 3.1.6
To install git it depends on your os
Windows Use the following link: Git
Depend on your distro run the command in your terminal Git install
Some git commands
Note: the first two commands are required to run if you are using git for the first time
for more info see Git Cheat Sheet
To work on the frontend you need to install Node.js to run the frontend server
to install node on windows open this link and continue with the install Node.
On Linux follow this tutorial Installation of Node.js on Linux
To install react and the others require libraries to the project you need to install npm to do this you need to install first Node.js then on the terminal run npm install npm@latest -g
one you install npm and use a git-clone of our project you need to run this command to install all the dependencies for the project running npm install