I simulated blackbody radiation, which is light (and other spectrums) given off an object due to heat. Wikipedia elaborates well on this. I created this project with a friend of mine, Sean Ceallaign. I also created an offshoot of this in ProcessingJS. Check it out, it's interactive!
For a given heat, I can calculate the power of any particular wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation. This can be done through Plank's law of black-body radiation. This creatures a spectrum graph that corresponds with a color. Finding the color in RGB terms involves converting it into the CIE X,Y,Z standard of color, which involves integration. Then I convert into RGB using linear algebra.
I'm curious about light and graphics. I had previously created an Atmospheric Scattering Simulator, and wanted to learn more about applications of physics and how wavelength corresponds to color.
I used the Sunflow Render Engine to help draw images as well as handle parts of the spectrum conversion.
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