Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
FastAPI Best Practices and Conventions we used at our startup
A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI
🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker
Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python with performance auto-tuning.
Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.
Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API
🐍 📊 📈 Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go.
Boilerplate application for a Python/Flask JWT Backend and a Javascript/React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welc…
Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
《React 学习之道》The Road to learn React (简体中文版) | 最简单,且最实用的 React 实战教程。
TypeScript 使用手册(中文版)翻译。
🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; for non-MS Git hosted version.
RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。