- 🤔 Exploring ways to integrate Reinforcement Learning to Language Models to serve humans.
- 🎓 Currently a PhD student at Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A2I2), Australlia
- 🌐 I am always open for collaboration. Please contact me via LinkedIn
- [Jul 24]: 1 paper accepted at European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (core rank A) - ECAI 2024
- [Feb 24]: Our team (led by Dr. Hung Le) will deliver a tutorial at AAMAS 2024 - Tutorial document can be seen here
- [Aug 23]: I am starting my PhD journey at Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin University, Australia! I am working on using Reinforcement Learning to enhance Large Language Models performances
- [Jul 23]: 1 paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology - paper