-> launch ubuntu instace || -> connect ec2 || -> change user to root: sudo su || -> install jenkins nad java -> install docker
-> create project in jenkins pull code from github repo ->sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu ->sudo usermod -aG docker jenkisn -> groups jenkins -> sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock -->sudo chmod 660 /var/run/docker.sock -> sudo systemctl restart jenkins
go to jenkins and write belo script -> docker build . -t flask-app:latest
echo "Image is created" docker run -d -p 7000:7000 flask-app:latest echo "App is live. access with IP: 7000"
-> give onbound acces in ec2 to port 7000 and check your pipline will be executes successfully
check docker containers and images ->docker ps -> docker images
check status of running programs ->netstat -tulnp