🌱 I'm a PhD Computer Science and Automation at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, striving to learn more and master my competencies within the fields of Machine Learning, Data Science.
📚 I'm currently working on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Data-Centric AI, with the aim of making the results provided by Learning-based systems more interpretable and reliable.
Here you can find some nice Projects I have worked on:
Repository | Description | Languages | Technologies |
ML-Zenshin | A Machine Learning system which aims to predict how many Goals will be scored by a Soccer Player during a full season | ||
DL-HateDetectionBERT | NLP experiments that exploits BERT to classify toxic content | ||
IA-Algorithms-and-Exercises | Exercises & Experiments on well-known AI Algorithms | ||
ABD-Algorithms-and-Experiments | Implementations of Graph Theory's Algorithms | ||
SIW-Project-FootballStats | A full-stack Web App for a data-intensive site on teams, players and soccer games |