This repository contains the official implementation of the paper "Diffusion Probabilistic Priors for Zero-Shot Low-Dose CT Image Denoising" by [Xuan Liu et al.] The paper introduces a novel approach for denoising low-dose CT images using diffusion priors.
To train, run
python -c config/sr_sr3_128_512_Liver_training.json -p train # train a super-resolution diffusion model
python -c config/sample_sr3_128_Liver_training.json -p train # train a unconditional diffusion model
When training a high-resolution diffusion model, you may encounter unsatisfactory results. Based on my experience, here are some suggestions:
- Employ patching techniques as mentioned in
- Explore different model parameterization methods (adjusting the meaning of the U-Net's output), accroding to Section 4 of
- Simply increase the depth of U-Net (as I do for my shared pre-trained models).
- OS: Windows 11
- Python (=3.9)
- Pytorch (=1.13.0)
- Torchvision (=0.14.0)
pip install -r requirements.txt
We share our pre-trained cascaded diffusion models. Please download from
We prepare 2 abdomen CT images and 2 Chest CT images in folder ./test_data. Run the following commands for testing.
python -c ./config/Dn_liver_128.yaml # Denoise low-resolution abdomen CT images
python -c ./config/Dn_liver_128_512.yaml # Denoise high-resolution abdomen CT images with denoised low-resolution images as conditions
python -c ./config/Dn_Chest_256.yaml # Denoise low-resolution chest CT images
python -c ./config/Dn_Chest_256_512.yaml # Denoise low-resolution chest CT images with denoised low-resolution images as conditions
Place your test data in sub-folders of a root-folder.
├── input_folder # Put your test images here.
├── output_folder # Results will be saved here.
├── target_folder # Required if you need to calculate metrics else None.
└── cond_folder # Required if use a conditional diffusion model else None.
Then modify the corresponding parameters in the YAML file.
root: root
input_folder: input_folder
cond_folder: cond_folder
output_folder: output_folder
target_folder: target_folder
Specify the diffusion models used in the YAML file.
cfg_path: ./config/sample_sr3_128_Liver.json # unconditional diffusion for abdomen CT images of 128x128
pretrained_path: ./Pretrained/Liver_128.pth # path of pre-trained model
cfg_path: ./config/sr_sr3_128_512_Liver.json # conditional diffusion for abdomen CT images of 128x128-->512x512
pretrained_path: ./Pretrained/Liver_128_512.pth
cfg_path: ./config/sample_sr3_256_Chest.json # unconditional diffusion for chest CT images of 256x256
pretrained_path: ./Pretrained/Chest_256.pth
cfg_path: ./config/sr_sr3_256_512_Chest.json # conditional diffusion for chest CT images of 256x256-->512x512
pretrained_path: ./Pretrained/Chest_256_512.pth
You can also change other denoising parameters in the YAML file.
res: 128 # the input images will be first resized to (res, res) befor denoising
len: -1 # -1 for testing all images in the input folder
ddim: True
ddim_eta: 1.0
# mode==0: ConsLam
# mode==1: AdaLamI
# mode==2: AdaLamII
# mode==3: AdaLamI&II
mode: 0
lam0: 0.002 # ConsLam: $\lambda_t=\lambda_0\cdot\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}$
a: 0
b: 0 # AdaLamI: $\lambda_0^{ada} = a \cdot std(\widehat{n}) + b$
c: 0 # AdaLamII: $\Lambda_0^{ada} = c \cdot \widehat{n}$
resume: 3
mean_num: 10 # multiple denoising and take average, reduce mean_num if CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY
bs: 10 # batch size
If your image files are not .png format of uint16, please change the two functions in to read and save your own data.
import imageio.v2 as imageio
def read_a_img(path): # function of read one image file from $path$ --> np.ndarray of range [0.0, 1.0]
return imageio.imread(path) / 65535.
def save_a_img(img, path): # function of save $img$ (np.ndarray of range [0.0, 1.0]) to $path$
return imageio.imwrite(path, (img*65535).astype(np.uint16))
At last, run denoising!
python -c YourYAML.yaml
Big thanks to the repository for providing the codes that facilitated the training of the cascaded diffusion models.