The codebase is based on the BabyAI platform.
The main branch of this repository is updated frequently. If you are looking to replicate or compare against the results from the NeurIPS paper, please use the code on the il branch.
- Python 3.5+
- OpenAI Gym
- NumPy
- PyTorch 0.4.1+
- blosc
- Mujoco
- osmesa
- patchelf
- absl-py
- libosmesa-6
Start by manually installing PyTorch. See the PyTorch website for installation instructions specific to your platform.
If you are using conda, you can create a babyai
environment with all the dependencies by running:
git clone
cd babyai
conda env create -f environment.yaml
source activate babyai
After that, execute the following commands to setup the environment.
cd ..
git clone
cd gym-minigrid
pip install --editable .
The last command installs the repository in editable mode. Move back to the babyai
repository and install that in editable mode as well.
cd ../babyai
pip install --editable .
Do the same for the d4rl
cd d4rl
pip install --editable .
To train a model, use the
script (sorry, the name of the script is out of date and will hopefully be updated soon).
To evaluate a trained model, train a model through bootstrapping, or finetune on a new level, use the
The code is written in Python 3 and builds on Tensorflow. Many of the provided reinforcement learning environments require the Mujoco physics engine. Overall the code was developed under consideration of modularity and computational efficiency. Many components of the Meta-RL algorithm are parallelized either using either MPI or Tensorflow in order to ensure efficient use of all CPU cores.
An API specification and explanation of the code components can be found here. Also the documentation can be build locally by running the following commands
# ensure that you are in the root folder of the project
cd docs
# install the sphinx documentaiton tool dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
# build the documentaiton
make clean && make html
# now the html documentation can be found under docs/build/html/index.html
The provided code can be either run in A) docker container provided by us or B) using python on your local machine. The latter requires multiple installation steps in order to setup dependencies.
If not installed yet, set up docker on your machine.
Pull our docker container iclavera/meta-mb
from docker-hub:
docker pull iclavera/meta-mb
All the necessary dependencies are already installed inside the docker container.
Ensure that you have a working MPI implementation (see here for more instructions).
For Ubuntu you can install MPI through the package manager:
sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv <venv-name>
source <venv-name>/bin/activate
If not done yet, install anaconda by following the instructions here.
Then reate a anaconda environment, activate it and install the requirements in requirements.txt
conda env create -f docker/environment.yml
For running the majority of the provided Meta-RL environments, the Mujoco physics engine as well as a corresponding python wrapper are required. For setting up Mujoco and mujoco-py, please follow the instructions here.
Install AWS commandline interface
sudo apt-get install awscli
and configure the asw cli
aws configure
Clone the doodad repository
git clone [email protected]:jonasrothfuss/doodad.git
Install the extra package requirements for doodad
cd doodad && pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure doodad for your ec2 account. First you have to specify the following environment variables in your ~/.bashrc: AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_ACCESS_KEY, DOODAD_S3_BUCKET
Then run
python scripts/
Set S3_BUCKET_NAME in experiment_utils/ to your bucket name
Finally add doodad and the meta-mb repositories to your PYHTONPATH.
To run svg run:
python run_scripts_bm/
The bash script can be run with
bash run_scripts_bm/ gym_cheetah
To run mbmpo run:
python run_scripts_bm/
The hyperparameters for each algoritm are the run file as a dict.
Add all the existing algorithms and the run scripts
- MB-MPC (CEM and RS)
- RL^2
- ProMP
This repository includes environments introduced in (Duan et al., 2016, Finn et al., 2017). This repository is based on (Promp).