CS61B Sp22 Project 3: Gitlet, your own version-control system
author: Delete020
Program startup class that parses the gitlet command and will decide to execute a method based on the input parameters
The main logic of the program is implemented where the non-remote commands of the gitlet are handled
String CWD = System.getProperty("user.dir");
The Current Working Directory.File GITLET_DIR = Utils.join(CWD, ".gitlet");
hidden folder, all gitlet related data will be stored in this directoryFile OBJECTS_DIR = Utils.join(GITLET_DIR, "objects");
The object folder, which stores all blob fiFile COMMIT_DIR;
The commit folder, which stores all commit objectFile BRANCH_DIR = Utils.join(GITLET_DIR, "branches");
The folder where all branches are stored and each branch is persisted as a file in this folderFile HEAD = Utils.join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");
Head file, pointing to the current branchFile STAGE = Utils.join(GITLET_DIR, "stage");
The staging area file that records the files to be added to the next commit
data formatter, convert standard time formats
Contains remote command execution logic, similar to GitletRepository, but can manipulate remote gitlets
- Message - the message of a commit
- Timestamp - Automatically set to current commit time
- Parent - The sha1 string of the parent commit
- blobs - Record each file that is committed
- Record the files added to the staging arearemovalMap
- Record the files to be removed in the next commit
- Creates a new Gitlet version-control system in the current directory.saveStage(Stage stage)
- Persistent stage objectpersistentCommit(String sha1, Serializable obj)
- Persistent commit object to
add(String filename)
- Adds a copy of the file as it currently exists to the staging area, use Stage object check file available to addgetObjectFile(String sha1)
- Get the file directory of the commit or blob by SHA1- Check the file is identical to the parent commit file or not, remove it from the staging area
commit(String message)
- Create a new commit for saves a snapshot of tracked files- Get the new blobs by using the blobs of the last commit and the staging area
- Clear staging area
- Persistent new commit object
- Update branch or head
rm(String filename)
- Remove file from staging area or current working directory -
- Display information about each commit backwards along the commit tree until the initial commit.displayCommitInfo(Commit commit, String commitSha1)
- Print all the information of a commit object
- also using displayCommitInfo method to display information about all commits ever made -
find(String message)
- Prints out the ids of all commits that have the given commit messageUtils.plainFilenamesIn(File dir)
- Returns a list of the names of all plain files in the directory DIR
- Display the current branch information by checking the branch folder and staging area and comparing it with the working directorydifferentFile(String filename, Map<String, String> compare, List<String> modifyList)
- Check the sha1 of file in working directory same as given map
checkout(String... args)
- Checkout of branch or file, three cases.- first check argument, it can updates the files in the working directory to match the version stored in given commit or current head commit, or Restore the entire working directory to the version of the specified branch
restoreVersion(Map<String, String> headBlobs, String commitSha1)
- Restore working directory to the given commit versionrestoreWorkingDirectory(Map<String, String> restoreBlobs, Map<String, String> currentBlobs)
- Clear working directory file, then copy given blobs files to working directory
reset(String commitId)
- Restore previous version and moves the current branch's head to that commit node. It is essentiallycheckout
of an arbitrary commit -
branch(String branchName)
- Create new branch -
rmBranch(String branchName)
- Remove a branch -
merge(String branchName)
- Merges files from the given branch into the current branch.-
get current head blob, ancestor blobs, merge branch blobs to determine the final content of the file
dfs(String sha1, Map<String, Integer> commitMap, int depth)
- Deep first search, for traverse current commit tree -
commonAncestor(String mergeSha1, String branchName)
- find the latest common commit. use dfs get current commit tree. BFS traverse merge commit tree for search the common ancestor. -
Determining which files (if any) have a conflict.
- Representing the conflict in the file.
Clear working directory file, then copy given blobs files to working directory- create merge commit
- update branch
diff(String... branches)
- Compares the contents of a commit with a working directory or compares two commits- Check the parameters to determine which is the case
branchNotExist(String branch)
- Check branch is not in the current gitlet- Get blobs and working directory files, diff for both files
diffs(String filename, File firstVersion, File secondVersion)
- Use diff object to compare content of two file, output compare information and sequence of edits
addRemote(String removeName, String path)
- add a remote gitlet directory as file save to current gitlet remote directoryrmRemote(String removeName)
- remove remote gitlet filepush(String remoteName, String remoteBranchName)
- push current commit to remote gitlet repository- get two gitletRepository
- check the remote branch's head is in the history of the current local head
- check current commit history
pushFile(File currentGitlet, File remoteGitlet, Commit head)
- Push current files of head commit to the objects directory of remote gitlet- create new commit object and persistent commit to remote gitlet directory
fetch(String remoteName, String remoteBranchName)
- Brings down commits from the remote Gitlet repository into the local Gitlet repository.- if branch not exists create new branch in current gitlet
- copies all remote commits and blobs to current gitlet
- copy remote commit object
- use
copy blobs to current objects directory
pull(String remoteName, String remoteBranchName)
- Simple fetch and merge remote branch
CWD <==== Whatever the current working directory is.
└── .gitlet
├── branches
│ └── master
├── commit
│ ├── 321c9bb225085ff1e775613cc5e295448fa21a5f
│ └── 34d677ab852a48acb18ccf6a5e6d35ee65e432cb
├── HEAD
├── objects
│ ├── a0
│ │ └── c0f3cb8c293ea70a7576c30f6d61226cba7679
├── remote
└── stage
-- top level folder for all persistent data -
- folder containing all blobs -
- folder containing all of the persistent data for branch -
- folder containing all of the persistent data for commit object -
- folder containing all of the remote gitlet repository directory -
- file holds the branch or commit sha1 that currently pointing to. -
- staging area files, serialization of stage objects, saving of added and removed files
The GitletRepository
will handle all gitlet commands
- Check the command operands correct or not, if not only one argument, exit program
- If the
folder doesn’t exist inCWD
, create .gitlet directory structure - use
saveStage(Stage stage)
persistent stage object to.gitlet/stage
file - Create first commit with an init message and no file saved. use
persistentCommit(String sha1, Serializable obj)
persistent commit object to.gitlet/commit
directory - use
add the sha1 to branch and head file
when use java gitlet.Main add [file name]
- Check if the given file exists in the working directory
- Use
and add this file using its internal methods - Remove the given file from removalMap
- Check if it is the same as the one saved in the current branch, and if it is, remove the file from the additionMap and return
- Add this file to the staging area
- If the file already exists, do nothing, otherwise copy the file from the working directory to the
when use java gitlet.Main commit [message]
- if staging area is not empty, create a new commit object and add file in the staging area to blobs, remove file by the rm command from blobs
- clear staging area
- update head or currently used branch to point to the new commit
- use
persistentCommit(String sha1, Serializable obj)
persistent new commit object as file with sha1 of filename in.gitlet/commit
when use java gitlet.Main rm [file name]
- use
read stage object - if file currently staged in addition, remove it from addition
- if file is not staged in addition, but tracked in the current head commit, add to stage removal map and delete this file from the working directory
- use
persistent stage file
when use java gitlet.Main checkout -- [file name]
and java gitlet.Main checkout [commit id] -- [file name]
- use
delete file - use
copy file from.gitlet/objects
when use java gitlet.Main checkout [branch name]
- if a commit id is given, restore the file to that commit version, which by default is to restore the file to the current commit version
- if a branch name is given and there are no untracked file and unstaged file in the working directory, delete all file in the working directory, and copy all file by the given branch commit to working directory
- use
change current branch to the given branch
- check commit exists or not
- if working directory had modified file do nothing
- in order to not overwrite untracked files, check working file is untracked, but have same filename of restore commit
- use
delete all files in the working directory - use
copy all blobs file in.gitlet/objects
to working directoryCWD
- reset staging area file
- update branch
- check branch is already exits or not
- Create new branch file in
- check branch is already exits or not
- delete that branch file from
- if file conflict, merge two file content and use
save file to.gitlet/objects
- merge will clear
directory - use
copy all blobs file from.gitlet/objects
- create new merge commit object, save new commit file to
- update branch
- create new file in
directory - file with content text of remove directory
- delete file in
- Copy all the files in the current head commit blobs to the remote, from the current
to the remote.gitlet/objects
- create new commit object in remote gitlet
- create new branch to
with remote name and remote branch name as current branch name - Copy all commits in the remote
to the current.gitlet/commit
- Copy all the files from the remote
to the current.gitlet/objects
Attach a picture of your design diagram illustrating the structure of your classes and data structures. The design diagram should make it easy to visualize the structure and workflow of your program.