All original content of A Pocket Guide to Writing SVG by Joni Trythall
Image restoration with neural networks but without learning.
A solar system entirely built with <canvas> and no external libs
WebGL Solar System & orbital mechanics simulator
Publication-ready NN-architecture schematics.
karolmajek / Mask_RCNN
Forked from matterport/Mask_RCNNMask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
Восстановление изображений при помощи нейронной сети
Convert javascript objects into lua table representation
A Linux version of Everything Search Engine.
SqlBuddy with compatibility with PHP 5.5+ (PHP 7 Included)
all-in-one luapower repo with everything (auto-merged hourly from individual repos)
Unreal.js: Javascript runtime built for UnrealEngine
A documentation of Witcher 3's scripting lanugage.
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Like codepen and jsbin but works offline.
CommonJS YAML Parser -- fast, elegant and tiny yaml parser for javascript
JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast.
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Windows Imaging Component Codec for Free Lossless Image Format