(需自行签名或越狱后安装,均在iOS13.3系统进行测试,注意:由于包内存在新的动态库,动态库也需一同签名,建议使用Mac OS下的iOS App Signer或Xcode进行签名操作,其他工具签名不完整会闪退,具体自行测试)
本仓库内应用仅供学习交流,严禁以任何形式贩卖本仓库内应用,下载后请于24小时内删除,否则产生的一切后果将由使用者本人承担, 仓库所有者不对仓库内任何资源负法律责任。
The application in this warehouse is for learning and communication only. It is strictly forbidden to sell the application in this warehouse in any form. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the user. The warehouse owner is not responsible for any resources in the warehouse .