Converts color names from the XKCD color survey into their equivalent RGB values. The results of this survey are at, and a description of the survey and results is at
There are only three functions to be used in this package. All three take a string with the color name as an input, and they return different representations of the color data. These functions return their values wrapped in a std::optional, since a color requested may not exist. The easier alternative would have been to return a default value in that case, but then there is no way to tell whether that color actually existed in the table or not.
#include "XkcdColors.h"
auto hexColor = xkcdColors::GetColorHexString("midnight blue");
auto intColor = xkcdColors::GetColorInt("baby puke green");
auto rgbColor = xkcdColors::GetColorRgb("eggshell");
As with any usage of std::optional
, it should be checked to see whether it contains
a value. These functions return an empty std::optional
if the color does not exist.
if (hexColor)
std::cout << hexColor << "\n";
std::cout << "Requested color does not exist\n";