KAIST 2021 Spring Capstone Design 1
This is a repository for capstone design 1 codes. All the codes are just for your reference, so change the code as necessary (e.g. topic name, ball size and color).
To download the package, write the command below in ~/catkin_ws/src terminal.
git clone https://github.com/yominx/Capstone1_2021Spring.git
Node for detecting red balls.
It publishes the information of ball position and color by calculating geometry between the robot and balls.
rosrun ball_detection ball_detection_node
map_ver_x.ttt, my_robot_ver_x.ttm files
Map and my_robot can be updated later, so please check the notice board on klms regularly.
Just drag and drop files to coppeliasim window.
For reference, urdf file for my_robot is uploaded.
A package for defining custom messages used in all codes.
ex) ball_position.msg
Subscribing lidar(laser_scan) and camera data and do something
You need to change data type of lidar, topic name of both sensors, publishing cmd_vel type to use the node correctly.
ex) /scan -> /laser_scan, sensor_msgs::laser_scan -> sensor_msgs::PointCloud
# data integrate
rosrun data_integrate data_integrate_node
# data show
rosrun data_integrate data_show_node
Nodes for manually manipulating the gripper and robot wheels.
# gripper
rosrun robot_teleop prismatic_teleop_key
# wheel
rosrun robot_teleop wheel_teleop_key
- If the prismatic joint fall down, check "Lock motor when target velocity is zero" in Joint Dynamic Properties in CoppeliaSim.
- Click "Toggle real-time mode" when you test your algorithms in simulator.
- ...
Jonghwi Kim [email protected]
Haggi Do [email protected]
Kyungseo Kim [email protected]
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git clone https://github.com/yominx/Capstone1_2021Spring
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1.최신버전이 아닌 경우 git pull 어쩌구라고 메시지가 나온다면, 현재 여러분이 최신버전을 가지고 있는 것이 아니기 때문에 먼저 최신버전 파일을 내려받은 뒤 업데이트 하라는 의미입니다. git pull 커맨드를 먼저 입력해준 뒤 다시 시도해보세요.
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