Tags: DeonHeyns/fullPage.js
- Solved bug when resizing alvarotrigo#970 - Improved scrollBar feature when dragging the scrollbar and using anchors - Callbacks return now useful objects alvarotrigo#918
- Fixed problem with scrollBar for touch devices alvarotrigo#966 - Fixed problem fitting the already active section when using scrollBar:true and autoScrolling:false
- Solve problem when using `responsive` together with `autoScrolling:… …false`. alvarotrigo#957
- Fixed bug which prevented external animations in fullPage.js alvaro… …trigo#872 - Added new feature: setAllowScrolling with directions. - Added new option: controlArrows to determine whether to use control arrows for slides or not. - Improved bower dependencies alvarotrigo#910 - Improved slider styling alvarotrigo#895
- Improved addition of a class to `body` when reaching a section / sl… …ide alvarotrigo#875 - Fixed bug when resizing the browser alvarotrigo#885
- Fixed bug alvarotrigo#868 using keyboard when `scrolLBar:true` - Solved bug with IE 11 for Windows Phone - Added `easeInQuart` effect inside the plugin - Improved addition of body class when no anchors are defined alvarotrigo#848 - Updated documentation
- Fixed problem with the menu on touch devices alvarotrigo#861
- Added new feature: a class is added to the body on section/slide ch… …ange alvarotrigo#848 - Now the plugin displays an error when anchors use the same value than `id` or `name` attributes alvarotrigo#72 - Updated bower.json version