- Detroit
ag91 / M365-IMAP
Forked from UvA-FNWI/M365-IMAPSupport personal accounts
InfluxDB Cluster - Open Source Alternative to InfluxDB Enterprise
New linux driver and tools for RME HDSPe sound cards and extension modules
Unofficial Temporal Haskell SDK
runj is an experimental, proof-of-concept OCI-compatible runtime for FreeBSD jails.
Niagara module for Project Haystack
Example notebooks and tutorials from Constellate, the text analysis service from ITHAKA.
A modular implementation of timely dataflow in Rust
Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
k8s-rs / kubernetes-rs
Forked from anguslees/kubernetes-rsKubernetes API library for Rust
Metrics reporter that leverages the StatsD (extended) protocol to push metrics to Datadog
user-friendly rust bindings for the bpf compiler collection
Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
Guide to using YubiKey for GnuPG and SSH
A simple, easily extensible shell for navigating your kubernetes clusters
SonarQube Plugin performing static analysis and code coverage over Ruby 💎
kube2iam provides different AWS IAM roles for pods running on Kubernetes
Ansible role for installing docker on ubuntu 14.04
Format extra disks and attach them to different mount points.