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Technology used: React js, Bootstrap,Redux, React-router-hook-form, Firebase login, Nodejs, express js, MongoDb.
This is an ecommerce site . it has multiple types of product section Home page consists of Bigger Header, Hero with Slider, Products showing,Product with category , Ad of Product Subscription and a footer section.
The second header includes home, shop , contact and your order or dashboard link.
Products section in the home page has the types of button to filter top rated and best seller products.
Product cards have a product's picture and details with two buttons for add to cart and add to favorite which is not functionable.
Products with a category section have buttons to filter the particular types of product.
After clicking on a particular product it will take you to the details of the product if you are logged in. but if you are not , a pop-up will appear for logging in.
The includes firebase log-in system for google, github and email-password The product details page has details about the product and here you can increase the product quantity and add to the cart . it also includes a slider in the below with the same types of products.
In the header , there is a cart sign which takes you to the cart page. It includes all the cart’s products and the price of all the products. For retention of the cart product , localStorage is used here. Here you can change the quantity of cart products and the price will change with the quantity.
In the cart page, Proceed to check out button takes you to the billing page but the billing is not added yet. If you provide the information and order . the order will be listed in the database.
You can see your order in the order page .
For admin here we added a dashboard which includes manage order, add a product, make admin and manage all products sections.
For protecting dashboard adminRoute is used.
Shop page includes all products . You can filter them according to the category of the product and can add the product to the cart.