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A set of scripts to ease the JEE Mains Process from practice to calculation of marks. [WIP]


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WIP Notice

  • This repository is a work-in-progress, the content on this repo can change very frequently. Make sure to keep up with changes on this repository.


  1. This repository provides scripts to aid in the procedure of JEE Mains
  2. Over the course of due time, Other Contributors and I will add features to this program


The config file contains parameters that alter the functionality of the program.

  • cache mode is the way that the answer keys are fetched.

    • online-only fetches the answer_key every time.
    • normal fetches the answer key if it doesn't exist on your pc. Else uses the one already present.
    • offline-only only uses the answer keys saved on your pc. Raises an Exception if it doesn't exist.
  • response_sheet_url contains the url to your response sheet. It usually begins with etc.

  • DEBUG Flag can be set to true or false depending on the level of trouble shooting you maybe doing. Default is false.

ShiftCode Explanation

The shift code describes what partial answer key to download. The format is YYYY-MM-DD-S-LNG-PAPR.

  • YYYY is the year in 4 digits (1995)
  • MM is the month in 2 digits (07 for July)
  • DD is the day in 2 digits (07)
  • S is the shift in 1 digit (M for Morning, E for evening.)
  • LNG is the language in 3 digits (ENG for english)
  • PAPR is the paper in 4 digits (TECH for BE/BTech, PLAN for Planning, ARCH for B.Arch, PLAR for Planning and Arch)

I am working on the Mar Attempt Answer Keys. All February Attempt Keys are available now.


Urdu = UDU
Assamese = ASM
Bengali = BEN
English = ENG
Gujarati = GUJ
Hindi = HIN
Kannada = KAN
Malayalam = MAL
Marathi = MAR
Odia = ODA
Punjabi = PUN
Tamil = TML
Telugu = TGU


  1. Download this repository using either the download option in GitHub or git clone
  2. You need to have Python3.7 or greater installed. run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to get the requirements.
  3. Save the response sheet page as a webpage file. Rename it to response_sheet and place it in the save_response_sheet_here folder.
  4. Run the program using python
  5. Open the generated HTML file to access your results.
  • In case of errors or mistakes in the data, contact me over email using the address given above.


  • This list is in no particular order.

  • Progress BE/BTech and B.Arch/Planning seperation. (Answer Keys is done.)

  • Progress Answer Key Extraction/Importation (Partially, I cant extract from PDFs automatically.)

  • Progress Website Monitor (JEE Mains Result Declaration etc.)

  • Progress Auto Downloader for Response Sheet(s). (logic ready, working on implimentation)

  • Progress Automatically updating answer-keys. (Need hash verification or time checking, downloads and correction work as intended.)

  • Progress Helper Scripts to check for and correct errors. (Need to know what errors are possible.)

  • Progress A way to check multiple urls/response sheets at a time. # Educational Institutes pls contact me over email. I am sure we can work out something.

  • Progress A Graphical User Interface. (Need to finalize functionality first.)

  • Progress Add a better HOW-TO to (Expect a documentation rewrite soon.)

  • Progress config.json is the place to configure this program.

  • Progress Setup Scripts for specific use cases

  • Progress Rewrite program to be more optimized and faster. Will probably try to decrease parsing and iterations as much as possible. Currently parses 4 times and iterates questions approx 3 times for 1 calculation. Need to write a way to setup the program.


A set of scripts to ease the JEE Mains Process from practice to calculation of marks. [WIP]







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