Geeks_For_Geeks_Solution Public
it contains all the problems i have solved on GFG
C++ UpdatedJan 4, 2024 -
Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview! - Created using [LeetHub](https://github.com/QasimWani/LeetHub)
Chat-with-Pdf-using-Qdrant-vector-database Public
Forked from alejandro-ao/langchain-ask-pdfAn AI-app that allows you to upload a PDF and ask questions about it. It uses OpenAI's LLMs to generate a response.
devansh-django-todo Public
Forked from shreys7/django-todoA simple todo app built with django
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
bootstrap-duration-picker Public
Forked from koss-lebedev/bootstrap-duration-pickerBootstrap Duration picker
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2020