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Repository files navigation is a platform where anyone can get the latest and greatest information on coding bootcamps, share their experiences and help people start their careers in tech. We welcome all levels from beginners to advance, and all are welcome to find their place in this community.


We love for any and all contributions! For now look over the issues list, or join my Facebook group, Code, Tech, And Caffeine and ask questions there.

Getting Started

Fork this repository and run

npm install npm run dev

To setup VS Code install the ESLint Extension and the Vetur extension Add this to your VS Code settings

  "editor.formatOnSave": false,
  "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true,
  "eslint.options": {
    "extensions": [ ".html", ".js", ".vue", ".jsx" ]
  "eslint.validate": [
    { "language": "html", "autoFix": true },
    { "language": "vue", "autoFix": true },
    { "language": "javascript", "autoFix": true },
    { "language": "javascriptreact", "autoFix": true }
  "vetur.validation.template": false,

To build

npm run build


Right now there is no pre-requisites.


Fork and run

Running the tests

Test are created with vue-test-utils and jest. To run them use

npm run test

Coding style tests

We use prettier and eslint. Linting must pass for merging PRs. To setup prettier add this to your VS Code settings.


Deployment is already setup with zeit. Zeit will push on every merge to staging and prod.

Built With


  • Erik Hanchett - Initial work


This project is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 License - see the file for details


  • Thanks for checking the project out!