This uses Netflix Sans from the official netflix CSS. If I am violating any copyright agrement then please don't ban this repo but make an issue for it.
Warning: This css is only for Jellyfin 10.6.X.
Note: Finally!! This CSS is fully supported now in Firefox and other browsers, but it may not have the blur features instead it would be barkened as firefox doesn't have backdrop-filter CSS tag supported, to use that you might have to manually enable the backdrop filter. I have given a way at the bottom.
This is Jellyfin Netflix Dark theme with Netflix Sans are used as the default fonts but if it is not applied in every area then please make a new issue.
To use just copy this CSS file contents below into Jellyfin ======> Dashboard ======>General ======> Custom CSS Box:
and past it in custom css text box and click save. To open Custom CSS settings go to Dashboard>General>Custom CSS.