Welcome to Primer. Here you can find bite sized explanations of Computer science terminologies and concepts. The aim is to provide a gist which gives you enough confidence to go and read further. So, read on and contribute if you have something to write about.
To contribute, first check if the topic is already covered, if you are sure it's not, then proceed with choosing the subject it falls under, for example pip will fall under Python, similarly, ES6 under JavaScript.
Once you choose the subject, write the content in a seperate Markdown file in the directory for that subject. If you are new to Markdown, see this.
Please stick to the following format while writing,
# Heading
##### By [<your-Github-username>](<link-to-your-Github-profile>)
<full content here>
#### Further reads
<provide atleast two links>
- Do not plagiarize the content, write in your own words.
- Keep the content less than 250 words,
- If adding any image, either use a URL or upload in the images folder and then use its absolute path.
- Provide atleast 2 links for further reading
- Raise an issue if you want some some topic to be added,
- Improve any existing content,
- Organize directories and other stuff