Lightweight Stream Oriented /proc/pid/maps parser
This command will build libproc_maps_parser.a and also tests binary proc_maps_parser_test
Then you can link static library to your project and include <proc_maps_parser_path>/include headers
There is also Ptyhon3 version in src/python Note: Python version is not stream oriented. It just parse all file and store it in memory
This library is very simple in usage. It will iterate over /proc//file and store each entity in struct proc_maps_ent
Note: memory for proc_maps_ent will allocates only once, and on each itteretion it just overrides
#define PROC_MAPS_READ 1 /* 0001 */
#define PROC_MAPS_WRITE 2 /* 0010 */
#define PROC_MAPS_EXECUTE 4 /* 0100 */
#define PROC_MAPS_PRIVATE 8 /* 1000 */ /* Note 0 bit if region shareable */
typedef struct proc_maps_ent {
proc_maps_properties_bitmap_t properties;
void* addr_start;
void* addr_end;
size_t offset;
unsigned short dev_minor;
unsigned short dev_major;
unsigned long int inode; /* ext4 use 2^32 inode */
char* pathname;
} proc_maps_ent_t;
While loop
pid_t pid = <some awesome pid>;
proc_maps_file_iterator_t* iter = create_proc_maps_file_iterator(pid);
proc_maps_ent_t* ent;
while ((ent = next_proc_maps(iter))) {
/* Do some iteresting stuff with ent */
For loop
pid_t pid = <some awesome pid>;
proc_maps_file_iterator_t* iter = create_proc_maps_file_iterator(pid);
for(proc_maps_ent_t* ent = next_proc_maps(iter);
ent = next_proc_maps(iter)) {
/* Do some iteresting stuff with ent */
Discover entitites properties
proc_maps_ent_t* ent = ...;
if ((ent->properties & PROC_MAPS_READ) &&
(ent->properties & PROC_MAPS_EXECUTE) &&
(ent->properties & PROC_MAPS_PRIVATE)) {
/* We found .text section :) */
records = proc_maps_record.parse(<some_awesome_pid>)
for record in records:
<do some cool stuff with record>