Here is my attempt for a Mara X v2 Shot Timer. It uses the Serial interface from the Mara X to visualize the Stats on a 1.3" Display.
- WEMOS D1 mini (You can use any other equivalent board)
- 1,3" SSH1106 OLED Display
The MaraX has a 6-PIN Connector for the serial interface on the bottom. We only use PIN-3 (Mara RX - Black Wire - Green Rectangle) and PIN-4 (Mara TX - Orange Wire - White Rectangle). For testing you can use the jumper-wires later you should replace them with temperature protected cables.
- PIN3 Mara to D6
- PIN4 Mara to D5
RX Mara to TX Arudino TX Mara to RX Arduino
Example Data: C1.06,116,124,093,0840,1,0\n
- The delimitter is: ,
- The end of data is: \n
- Length: 26
Data | Description |
C | Machine-Mode: C = CoffeeMode; V = Vapour/SteamMode |
1.06 | Firmware |
116 | Current Steam Temperature in Celsius |
124 | Target Steam Temperature in Celsius |
093 | Curent Hx Temperature in Celsius |
0840 | Countdown Boost-Mode |
1 | Heat state (0 = off; 1= on) |
0 | Pump state (0 = off; 1= on) |
Pin Display | Pin Arduino Nano |
VIN | 3,3V |
SCL | D1 |
SDA | D2 |
- Wire.h
- Adafruit_GFX.h
- Adafruit_SH110X.h
- SoftwareSerial.h
- GothicA1_Light6pt7b
- GothicA1_Light9pt7b
- Org_01
- Create your Logo with the dimensions: 128x64px
- Convert your image to a binary file for example with this Tool
- Replace the data for logo_bmp in images.h
- SaibotFlow:
- RedNomis: