This is a group proyect created for the Henry bootcamp by 7 members of the 09 team. The idea is to design and code an E-comerce of boxes, in it you can buy, recieve, and/or gift a happiness package, exchanging said package for one of the options the catalogue includes.
- Create an app with Javascript
- Afirm and connect all the concepts learned on the bootcamp
- Learn and practice Git workflow and teamwork
- Use the SCRUM methodology
HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, axios, Redux-Toolkit, Material-Ui, styled-components
NodeJs, Express, Pasport, Json web Token authentication, Cloudinary, Stripe, bcrypt, qrcode, Nodemailer, Sequelize.
IMPORTANT: Necessary version of node and NPM
Node: v16.14.0 or higher NPM: 8.3.1 or higher
The boilerPlate has two folders: api
and client
Inside the api
you should create a file called:.env
with the following format:
DB_PASSWORD= postgresPassword
DB_HOST= localhost
DB_NAME= databaseName
AUTH_USER = youremail
AUTH_PASS = passwordauthemail
STRIPE_KEY= stripekey
JWT_SECRET_KEY = jwtsecretkey
CLOUDINARY_NAME = cloudinaryname
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = cloudinaryapikey
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = cloudinaryapisecret
Replace postgresuser
, postgrespassword
and databaseName
with your credentials, so that you can connect to de database.
For youremail
and passwordauthemail
you must follow this video steps to configure your gmail.
For stripekey
and jwtsecretkey
replace with your credentials.
For cloudinaryname
, cloudinaryapikey
and cloudinaryapisecret
you must create a cloudinary account and place your credentials. Video to create account
Remember the .env
file is ignored by .gitignore
since it contains sensible information.
- Open the project console
- Inside the folder
, run the command line,npm install
- Inside the folder
, run the command line.npm install
- Open the project console
- Inside the folder
, run the command line,npm run dev
- Inside the folder
, run the command line,npm run dev
(alt + click
octrl + click
on the link showing in the console to open the proyect preview)