{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
module Pokemon() where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
import System.Random
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Type.Equality
type IsPkmType :: Type -> Constraint
class Show t => IsPkmType t
data Bug = Bug deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Ice = Ice deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Dark = Dark deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Rock = Rock deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Fire = Fire deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Water = Water deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Grass = Grass deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Fairy = Fairy deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Fight = Fight deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Ghost = Ghost deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Steel = Steel deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Dragon = Dragon deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Ground = Ground deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Normal = Normal deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Poison = Poison deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Flying = Flying deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Psychic = Psychic deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
data Electric = Electric deriving stock Show deriving anyclass IsPkmType
type IsNumOfPkmType :: Type -> Constraint
class Show n => IsNumOfPkmType n
data MonoType = forall t . IsPkmType t => JustType t
deriving anyclass IsNumOfPkmType
instance Show MonoType where
show (JustType t) = "\n[Mono type]: " <> show t
data DualType = forall t1 t2 . (IsPkmType t1, IsPkmType t2, (t1 == t2) ~ 'False) => BothType t1 t2
deriving anyclass IsNumOfPkmType
instance Show DualType where
show (BothType t1 t2) = "\n[Dual type]: " <> show t1 <> ", " <> show t2
data PkmType = forall n . IsNumOfPkmType n => Is n
instance Show PkmType where
show (Is n) = show n
data StatType
= HP
| Atk
| Def
| SpAtk
| SpDef
| Spd
deriving stock Show
newtype PkmStat (pkmName :: Symbol) (statType :: StatType)
= PkmStat Int deriving newtype Show
data Pokemon (pkmName :: Symbol)
= Pokemon
{ pkmType :: PkmType
, pkmHP :: PkmStat pkmName 'HP
, pkmAtk :: PkmStat pkmName 'Atk
, pkmDef :: PkmStat pkmName 'Def
, pkmSpAtk :: PkmStat pkmName 'SpAtk
, pkmSpDef :: PkmStat pkmName 'SpDef
, pkmSpd :: PkmStat pkmName 'Spd
instance KnownSymbol pkmName => Show (Pokemon pkmName) where
show Pokemon {..} = "[Name]: " <> symbolVal (Proxy @pkmName)
<> show pkmType
<> "\n[HP]: " <> show pkmHP
<> "\n[Atk]: " <> show pkmAtk
<> "\n[Def]: " <> show pkmDef
<> "\n[SpAtk]: " <> show pkmSpAtk
<> "\n[SpDef]: " <> show pkmSpDef
<> "\n[Spd]: " <> show pkmSpd
type BoundedStatType :: Symbol -> Constraint
class BoundedStatType pkmName where
maxMinStat :: forall (statType :: StatType) . Typeable statType => Proxy statType
-> (PkmStat pkmName statType, PkmStat pkmName statType)
randomStat :: forall (statType :: StatType) . Typeable statType => IO (PkmStat pkmName statType)
randomStat = do
let (PkmStat minStat, PkmStat maxStat) = maxMinStat @pkmName (Proxy @statType)
seed <- newStdGen
let (newStat, _) = randomR (minStat, maxStat) seed
pure (PkmStat newStat)
is :: forall (statType' :: StatType) (statType :: StatType) .
(Typeable statType', Typeable statType) => Proxy statType -> Bool
is = (typeRep (Proxy @statType') ==) . typeRep
instance BoundedStatType "Pikachu" where
maxMinStat proxy
| is @'HP proxy = (PkmStat 180, PkmStat 274)
| is @'Atk proxy = (PkmStat 103, PkmStat 229)
| is @'Def proxy = (PkmStat 76, PkmStat 196)
| is @'SpAtk proxy = (PkmStat 94, PkmStat 218)
| is @'SpDef proxy = (PkmStat 94, PkmStat 218)
| is @'Spd proxy = (PkmStat 166, PkmStat 306)
| otherwise = error "StatType not found"
wildPikachu :: IO (Pokemon "Pikachu")
wildPikachu = do
pkmHP <- randomStat @_ @'HP
pkmAtk <- randomStat @_ @'Atk
pkmDef <- randomStat @_ @'Def
pkmSpAtk <- randomStat @_ @'SpAtk
pkmSpDef <- randomStat @_ @'SpDef
pkmSpd <- randomStat @_ @'Spd
pure Pokemon { pkmType = Is (BothType Electric Psychic), .. }
main :: IO ()
main = do
myFstPkm <- wildPikachu
print myFstPkm
On vacation at red sea
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