##Imports import random
##Initialize all parameters NoOfDict = 32 ##No of Sensors NoOfFloat = 16 ##Floating numbers in a Dictionary count = 1 myDict = {} ##Creat Dictionary
##Crete the x number dictionary's with bits and data for i in range(NoOfDict): tempNameDict = "sensor_data_" + str(i) myDict[tempNameDict] = [] for j in range(NoOfFloat): tempNameBit = "bit_" + str(j) myDict[tempNameDict].append([tempNameBit, random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)]) ##append the dictionary x with bit x and sensor data x
for l in range(NoOfDict): print 'Sensor number:', count count = count + 1 for k in range(NoOfFloat): print myDict['sensor_data_1'][k] ##Print the dictionarys x
if myDict.keys() == 'err': ##Check Dictionary for 'err' error
print("Error in Data")
logFileTxtEr = open('SensorDataErrorLog.txt','w') ##Create Error Log File 'SensorDAtaErrorLog.txt'
logFileTxtEr.writelines(myDict) ##Write to Log File
logFileTxtEr.close() ##Close Log File
print("Data is Good")
logFileTxt = open('SensorDataLog.txt','w') ##Create Log File 'SensorDataLog.txt'
logFileTxt.writelines(str(myDict)) ##Write to Log File
logFileTxt.close() ##Close Log File