I am a Full Stack Software Engineer from Lancaster, PA. I'm currently living in beautiful Philadelphia, PA.
I am motivated as a developer to build immersive, innovative user experiences for the web and mobile devices.
const bryantMejia = {
"readyToWork": true,
"softwarePortfolio": WebLink("www.bryantmejia.com"),
"email": emailTo("[email protected]"),
"linkedIn": WebLink("https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryantmejia/"),
"pronouns": ["he", "his"],
"skillSet π»": [Javascript, React, Material UI, React Native, Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, SASS],
"location": {
"city": "Philadelphia",
"state": "Pennsylvania",
"zipcode": 19121
"learning π±": "Clean Architecture of React and Node.js projects",
"workingOn π": "practicing mastery of React and React Native by building a social media application",
"booksIveRead π": [...booksIveRead, "Javascript & Jquery", "Zero to One"],
"funfact": "I love to sketch when I am not programming"