Prerequisites: Node (v16 LTS) plus Yarn and Git
- Install dPopp (this will install all packages within the dPopp monorepo):
git clone
cd dPopp
npm install --global lerna
lerna init
lerna bootstrap
- Create environment files, and replace environment variables with your own values
cp ./app/.env-example.env ./app/.env
cp ./iam/.env-example.env ./iam/.env
cp ./schemas/.env-example.env ./schemas/.env
- Start iam, app, and ceramic services concurrently:
# remember to create .env files first
yarn start
- Know what a wallet is, how to create one, etc.
- Know what a Verifiable Credential is
- Know basics of Ceramic Network - interacting with DIDDatastore, Self.ID
The web app allowing users to interact with their dPopp. README
Contains database connection implementations. Currently supports Ceramic Network. README
The server handling incoming requests to issue credentials and process verifications. README
This is a helper package to compile Spruce DIDKit and export functions for use in iam
and app
Holds the Pulumi deployment configuration for this repository. README
Ceramic schemas and model definitions, and scripts for creating and publishing these to the Ceramic Network. README
Shared type definitions. README