билдит и запускает все контейнеры в фоновом режиме docker-compose up --build -d
запускает контейнер с nodejs и делает npm run watch docker-compose run nodejs npm run watch для конфигурации бд в laravel php artisan key:generate
- Rename ".env.example" to ".env" and update the .env file along with database connection
mv .env.example .env
- Build docker containers
docker-compose up --build -d
- Generate key for database
php artisan key:generate
- Install dependencies for app
docker-compose run php-apache composer install && docker-compose run php-apache composer update
docker-compose run nodejs npm install
After you run the project open in your browser:
Frontend and Backend: http://localhost:8080/
Phpmyadmin: http://localhost:3080/
Use this command to compile app "docker-compose run nodejs npm run watch"
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