Copyright Debezium Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Debezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture (CDC).
This repository contains a web-based UI for Debezium, allowing to configure Debezium connectors in an intuitive way, control their lifecycle, and more. The Debezium UI is a React-based Single Page Application code based on Patternfly 5, which connects to Kafka Connect via its REST API.
This project is under active development, any contributions are very welcome.
node (version 16.x.x or higher) and npm (version 8.x.x or higher).
To quickly start react based web app UI.
git clone
cd debezium-ui
npm install && export KAFKA_CONNECT_CLUSTERS={kafka-cluster-URLs} && npm run start:dev
kafka-cluster-URLs is comma separated list of kafka connect cluster URL's.
Debezium UI will be available on http://localhost:9000
With the latest update to Debezium UI you need a properly running Debezium instance version 2.5 or newer with Debezium kafka connect rest extension enabled and running DB instances, depending on what connectors you are going to use (Postgres, Mongo DB, MySQL, etc).
git clone
cd debezium-ui
You can setup a running DEV infrastructure with Zookeeper, Kafka, Debezium, MySql, Postgres, SQL Server and Mongo DB using docker compose:
## start containers
[+] Running 8/8
✔ Network debezium-ui_default
✔ Container zookeeper Started
✔ Container mysql Started
✔ Container sqlserver Started
✔ Container postgres Started
✔ Container mongodb Started
✔ Container kafka Started
✔ Container connect Started
Kafka Connect REST API with Debezium will be available on local port 8083.
Postgres will be available on local port 5432.
MySQL will be available on local port 3306.
SqlServer will be available on local port 1433
Mongo DB will be available after ~20 seconds on local port 27017 (connect via mongo -u debezium -p dbz --authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/inventory
Kafka will be available on local port 9092.
Install all the dependencies
npm install
Running UI web app targeting local dev setup
export KAFKA_CONNECT_CLUSTERS={http://localhost:8083/} && npm run start:dev
Debezium UI will be available on http://localhost:9000
later stop running containers.
$ DEBEZIUM_VERSION=2.5 docker compose down
[+] Running 8/7
✔ Container connect Removed
✔ Container mongodb Removed
✔ Container mysql Removed
✔ Container postgres Removed
✔ Container kafka Removed
✔ Container sqlserver Removed
✔ Container zookeeper Removed
✔ Network debezium-ui_default Removed
# Install development/build dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server
npm run start:dev
# Run a production build (outputs to "dist" dir)
npm run build
# Run the test suite
npm run test
# Run the test suite with coverage
npm run test:coverage
# Run the linter
npm run lint
# Run the code formatter
npm run format
# Launch a tool to inspect the bundle size
npm run bundle-profile:analyze
# Start the express server (run a production build first)
npm run start
# Start storybook component explorer
npm run storybook
# Build storybook component explorer as standalone app (outputs to "storybook-static" dir)
npm run build:storybook
The Debezium community welcomes anyone that wants to help out in any way, whether that includes reporting problems, helping with documentation, or contributing code changes to fix bugs, add tests, or implement new features. See this document for details.