- Alexandria, Egypt
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dina-nashaat/
ChatApp Public
ChatApp is a RESTful API that enables clients to create Applications, Chats associated to those applications and Messages. The project primarly aims to demonstrate how to scale and optimize a proje…
jasper2 Public
Forked from jekyllt/jasper2Full-featured Jekyll port of Ghost's default theme Casper v2 👻
CSS MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2019 -
This repo contains all projects implemented as part of the Algorithms and Data Structure Nanodegree. Each folder corresponds to a module's project and contains implementation of various problem alo…
Python UpdatedDec 14, 2019 -
This project explores the use of Convolutional Nerual Networks to find a better generalized model than regular supervised learning models in classifying whether a question asked on Quora's platform…
MLND_finding_donors Public
Udacity Supervised learning project - Finding Charity ML donors
HTML UpdatedNov 14, 2018 -
SensorTagExpo Public
Forked from Cierpliwy/SensorTagExpoExample Expo application setup for react-native-ble-plx library.
Ruby UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
factory_girl Public
Forked from thoughtbot/factory_botA library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2017 -
WhatsOn Public
A web application that retrieves RSS feeds and clusters them into cards, each with similar topics.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 18, 2017 -
CreateFolders Public
Creates a number of folders with specified names from a text file.
C UpdatedJan 6, 2016 -