This is a python wrapper class for the api.
- addressbalance - amount ever received minus amount ever sent by a given address.
- addresstohash - shows the public key hash encoded in an address.
- checkaddress - checks an address for validity.
- decode_address - shows the version prefix and hash encoded in an address.
- getblockcount - shows the current block number.
- getdifficulty - shows the last solved block's difficulty.
- getreceivedbyaddress - shows the amount ever received by a given address.
- getsentbyaddress - shows the amount ever sent from a given address.
- hashtoaddress - shows the address with the given version prefix and hash.
- nethash - shows statistics about difficulty and network power.
- totalbc - shows the amount of currency ever mined.
- transactions - shows the amount transactions of the last blocks.
sudo pip install DogechainApi
Here's an example:
from DogechainInfoApi import API
if __name__ == '__main__':
api = API()
balance = api.addressbalance(address)
print 'Balance: ', balance
addresstohash = api.addresstohash(address)
print 'AddressToHash: ', addresstohash
checkaddress = api.checkaddress(address)
print 'CheckAddress: ', checkaddress
decodeaddress = api.decode_address(address)
print 'DecodeAddress: ', decodeaddress
blockcount = api.getblockcount()
print 'BlockCount: ', blockcount
difficulty = api.getdifficulty()
print 'Difficulty: ', difficulty
receivedbyaddress = api.getreceivedbyaddress(address)
print 'ReceivedByAddress: ', receivedbyaddress
sentbyaddress = api.getsentbyaddress(address)
print 'SendByAddress: ', sentbyaddress
hashtoaddress = api.hashtoaddress(api.addresstohash(address))
print 'HashToAddress', hashtoaddress
nethash = api.nethash()
print 'Nethash: ', nethash
totalbc = api.totalbc()
print 'TotalBalance: ', totalbc
transactions = api.transactions()
print 'Transactions', transactions
Donation: "DQ6mBVyuboTGwS8JYW11oHwXtxsjNAzkzi" [DOGECOIN]