Build voter/Dockerfile Deploy voter/voter.yaml
And you can access roost-controlplane:30030 over a browser
- For single-node cluster, try roost-worker instead of roost-controlplane But this is just the UI
Build ballot/Dockerfile Apply ballot/ballot.yaml to ZKE
And you can access roost-controlplane:30080 (GET)
- For single-node cluster, try roost-worker instead of roost-controlplane But this is just the Ballot API
POST request can also be accessed at the same end-point
==== Run both microservices and you have a full-fledged voting app
Build and deploy service-test-suite in roost cluster. Upload service-dependency.json from Observability -> Service Fitness in Roost Desktop On building ballot image from within Roost Desktop, service filness events can be seen from event viewer.
Right click on helm-vote
and select helm install
option to deploy
Open browser and access URL
- Voting Portal :
- Election Commission portal: