Roadmap для Data Engineer. Цель роадмапа – устроиться тебе на работу!
This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
Repository of SQL projects, case studies, platform solutions, and learning resources to enhance SQL skills through practical applications. Includes content from DataLemur, LeetCode, HackerRank, and…
Docker-compose contains the most common big data systems like: Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Jupyter, Flink
Run Hadoop on Arm64 (Apple M1) and Intel CPUs Natively Using the Universal Docker Images.
Hadoop-Hive-Spark cluster + Jupyter on Docker
A collection of programming CheatSheets for developers to boost your productivity and quick review to remember while working.
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
belousm / Financial-Models-Numerical-Methods
Forked from cantaro86/Financial-Models-Numerical-MethodsCollection of notebooks about quantitative finance, with interactive python code.
Self-study on Larry Wasserman's "All of Statistics"
Краткий пересказ подробного руководства Hadoop. Подходит для обучения, подготовки к собеседованию, освежения знаний.
Getting Started with Data Enngineering
Курс "Прикладные задачи анализа данных" (ВМК, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова)
Materials for the Hugging Face Diffusion Models Course
Вопросы для подготовки к интервью на позицию Python Developer